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I stepped out of the showers wrapping a Towel around me.

I had just finished my match and I was taking a quick shower before leaving to the next town.

Today has just been the shittiest day ever, I was scheduled to travel with Carmella tonight to the next town but she cancelled telling me she's gonna stay an extra day and just fly down with Cass, Then I was supose to be the winner of the number one contendership tonight but just as we were about to make our entrances Stephanie informed me Natalya was gonna win.

I walked out to the main area just wanting to change and leave. I walked over to my area to grab my clothes but they were gone.

"What the fuck!?" I yelled looking around at the few women left in the room. "Who took my clothes?" I yelled at them.

Nobody said anything for a solid minute before Eva piped up. "Finn took them" she confessed biting her lip.
"Are you fucking kidding me!? There's 3 of you in here and none of you even tried stopping him?" I growled as they stood there like I was speaking some other language.

"Fucking idiots!" I screamed at them before looking for my phone. Which was in my bag that Finn stole.

I sighed before walking over to Carmellas bag to find anything that would fit me.

"Hey don't do-" Eva piped up again but I waved her off. "Leah won't mind" I snapped before pulling out one of her sweaters and leggings.

I grumbled as I slide them on and leaving the lockeroom in search for that demon freak.

"Where's fucking balor!?" My voice boomed through the halls untill I came upon the men's lockeroom.

I banged on the door untill Dolph opened it. "Where's finn" I growled.

"Oh so it's your bag he took" Dolph laughed slightly. "Haha, keep laughing and you won't have children...ever, where is that freak?" I snapped not in the mood for his shit.

"He has his own lockeroom tonight, it's down the hall" he informed me before disappearing back into the safety of the lockeroom.

I quickly walked down the hall untill I came upon a lockeroom that had "Finn Balor" on the plague outside.

Without even knocking I bursted into the dark room, "Fucking balor I know you took my clothes!" I Felt the walls for a light switch.

"You know what? I'm already having a shitty day, just give me my shit back" I sighed continuing my search untill I finally found it, a smile spread across my lips as I flicked it on to reveal a very satisfied Finn smiling at me.

"Just give me my shit" I said my eyes flickering to my bag in his hands.
"Hmm" he leaned back smirking "What's the magic words?"

I rolled my eyes "go fuck yourself" I gritted my teeth.

"Not even close Princess"

"Stop calling me Princess! Just please give me my shit, I just wanna fucking leave, These clothes on me are so fucking big they're gonna fall off any second"

He smiled at me "Hm, now seeing you naked would be quite a sight" His eyes traveled up and down my body.

"Oh jesus fuck, just please give me my stuff back"

"Hm, Fine here princess" he hands me my bag. I rip it out of his hands before walking towards the door.

"Fucking dick head" I growled at him before swiftly slamming the door.

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