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5 minutes

I did a few jumping jacks to prepare.

"Dropkick!!" I heard Corey graves comment.

"Time to head out" Stephanie called.

I flipped my hood up and pulled my half mask that covered the bottom half of my face before following crewmembers to the entrance.

"Okay be ready Alexa" a girl tells me.

I roll my head as the match continues.

The crowd cheers at something before the lights go out.


I quickly ran down the ramp and into the ring.

I take a deep breath as the light flicker on to reveal the ref laying lifeless in the middle of the ring as Seth layed in the corner trying to gain energy and me with a steel chair.

Finn turns to me and growls but before he could say anything I quickly hit him with the steel chair, he groaned and yelled out with every hit before he was lifeless.

I struggled and pulled Seth onto Finn in a pin sorta position as a new ref comes down.


Your winner and still the universal champion, Seth Rollins!

I smirked under the mask as I entered the crowd and quickly dashed to the exit.


"They still haven't cleared me" I lied to Maryse as I paced my hotel room.

"Ugh, I really miss you" She sighs.

"Me too" I smiled.

"Oh! But did you see Finns match? Someone interfered and made him Lose"

"I know! I wanted him to win" I sighed as I checked the time.

"Oh shit! I'm sorry but my mom is gonna be here any minute!" I lied once again.

"Tell her I say hi! But Bye text me later to make plans for lunch"

I agreed and hung up as I grabbed my bag and swiftly exited the hotel room and entered the Suv and made my way to the arena.

"Last night, I was screwed over by some unknown masked man!" Finns voice filled the Arena.

I watched him from my private lockerom waiting for my video footage to come on.

All of a sudden the lights flick off and I appear onscreen, In my black hoodie and my mask that covered the bottom half of my face.

"Oh Finn, I was doing you a favour, I mean you just aren't main event caliber" My voice was deepened so they couldn't tell it was me.

"You're pathetic, you're a nobody, You always get what you want, but that's over, and Finn wanna know the best thing about these videos? They can be pre recorded"

The clip cuts off as I attack Finn And the lights come on, i whack him across the back with a chair twice before he goes down in pain.

I watch him hold his back, I suddenly feel bad as he huffs in pain, I quickly drop the chair and exit the ring area.

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