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It was now Monday night, and I had yet to see Finn, we talked earlier about us meeting up at the arena, but my head was racing with so many questions, Did he regret that kiss? am I about to be thrown into the friend zone?

All these thoughts raced through my head as I abruptly turned the corner to be met with something I never thought I'd ever see.

Finn, and Sasha standing very close together, Suddenly I watched the distance between their lips close.

And in that exact moment I felt my entire world shatter and crumble all around me.

My hand flew up to my mouth but my gasp was still audible, Finn pulled back and his head snapped to my direction.

Finns eyes got huge when we realized it was me. "Ale-" he started to say stepping forward but I didn't listen, I quickly turned on my heel and raced back down the hallway and into the women's locker room.

I slammed the door shut before collapsing onto the bench trying not cry as my segment started in 5 minutes and I couldn't ruin my makeup.

I blinked staring at the ground trying to fight the tears away, it's not even like me and Finn were even together, we were just friends, I'm such an idiot.

after a few moments I sighed and stood up getting ready to face my friends and the crowd out in the arena.

I arrived at the gorilla, my head still spinning and not being able to think straight.

My segment was a blur, I don't remember most of it, considering my mind kept wandering to the images of Finn and Sasha,

I honestly thought Finn liked me, I thought I would finally get what I wanted,  But like always I was looked over and pushed aside for something better

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