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Alexa Pov

The past week has only been worse, I'm now down to sleeping less than 2 hours a night now, and my work has definitely suffered, so bad that Stephanie gave me a week off after the house show tonight,

I was currently sitting at a table just staring into my Redbull, this was my third one today, but I was dead tired and all I had to do was complete my match against Lana in 20 minutes and then I would have a week off, where hopefully I'll finally be able to sleep in my own bed.

"Alexa!" I was pulled from my daydream and back to reality, shit I think I fell asleep,

"we have been trying to find you for 10 minutes, our match is gonna start" Lana said rushing up, Carmella and Charlotte were also in tow.

I pressed the home button on my phone and saw they were correct "Shit" I say scrambling up and collecting my things before racing towards the gorilla.

I can't believe I fell asleep! God I must be more tired than I thought, I arrived to the gorilla and quickly handed off my phone and drink to Carmella "put these in my bag please"

She nodded "Alexa are you sure you can wrestle? I'm in my gear and the guys can just switch in my musi-"

"no I'm fine, just put my things in my bag please" I said before turning and giving a nod to the sound guy, my music filling the arena.

Thankfully I made it through the match, my adrenaline kicked in the second Lana landed a nasty hit to my head, but now I was slowly slipping back into my sleepy haze.

I was packing my suitcase up again, I was hoping once I finally slept in my own bed tomorrow night that I would finally be able to sleep, I have to get this sleeping  issue under control.

I saw Finn also leaving the arena, I'm surprised he was still here, I thought he had left earlier after his match.

I watched as he approached the trunk of his car and unlock it, I started thinking of everything that happened and that I had lied to him last night about what was going on, and that maybe I was being too harsh on him, maybe he was telling the truth about Sasha and how she kissed him.

Finn didn't even spare a glance behind him as he walked around and got into the driver seat of his rental.

I sighed as he pulled out from his parking spot presumably headed to the hotel.

I sat back in the leather seat, sinking as low as I could, I don't know what's wrong with me, Finn royally fucked up and I shouldn't want anything to do with him, but for some reason I just couldn't.

I gripped the steering wheel and turned on the car, I was staying at the nearby hotel for tonight then catching a flight tomorrow,

Soo Hey guys....been awhile anyways, this chapter was trash but I wanted to release something and I have a few other drafted chapters that I plan to release over this week, but I'm currently in the process of rewriting this book,  I already have four chapters saved and hoping to do more, I'm hoping to have the book totally rewritten by August-September (hopefully) but I will give this version and ending for you guys and then release the rewritten version.

Anyways guys I have you have a good evening/morning/whatever time it is and watch for more chapters coming soon 😊

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2023 ⏰

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