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I sat on the floor near the door continuing to cry, my breathing wouldin't slow down or did the tears when there was a frantic knock at the door, I found the energy to stand up and open door as Finn rushed in grabbing my hands gently,

"Alexa, are you Okay? What's wrong?" He asks looking at Me, his eyes full of concern.

I shook my head and quickly buried my face into his shoulders as he wrapped his arms around Me, "shhh it's okay Princess" I kept crying into his shoulder as he sat me gently onto the bed, "it's okay sweetheart" he whispers before kissing the top of my head.

He kept his arms around me and kept rubbing my back as I slowly calmed down, Eventually my breathing returned to normal and tears were far and few in between,

Finns famliar warmth and embrace started to disappear, "P-Please don't leave me" I whimpered suddenly grabbing onto Finns arm, I was probably acting like a child but I didn't wanna be left alone,

"Okay, okay shh princess I won't leave you" Finn whispers as he wraps his arms around me, pulling me down into a laying position with his arms still around.

I rested my head against his chest as he slowly breathes, it was quiet for awhile before i broke it,

"T-thank you, a-and I'm s-sorry" I studdered out,

Finn rubbed my back and kissed my forehead, "Shh,Don't be sorry, now try and sleep Princess" he whispers.

I nod and snuggle into him as he squeezes me gently before I slowly drift off breathing in his familiar scent,

well, Its been awhile people, I don't know what's up but I lost all urge to write, this year of school has been kicking my fucking ass, but here's a update and I hope to post more asap!

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