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I twirled in the mirror as I looked over my dress, it was a pink color dress, That was a spaghetti strap and had jewels all over the top and flared out at waist and stopped right at my feet.

I also had a dark pink makeup on my eyes with a thick winged liner, the makeup lady did an amazing job on my eyes, lips and face, My hair was in tight curls thay stopped right above my waist and the one side was pinned back.

It was nearing 6pm and I had to head to the arena, I was riding with Carmella, Cass, Mike and Maryse.


"A grown man and you're having troubles picking out a tie" Kevin Shook his head as he tied his yellow tie in the mirror.

"Her dress is Pink Finn" Sami comments as he walks out of the bathroom,

"That's not why I'm worrying about the color" I quickly said.

"Yeah totally" Kevin rolled his eyes as I quickly grabbed my pink tie.

"Man you're whipped" Kevin laughs to himself as I tie my tie on our way to the arena as we were already running late.

The hall of fame started in less then an hour once I arrived.

I walked inside and walked backstage towards the entrance area for the superstars when I noticed the familiar Red tipped girl, in a pink dress like Sami told me.

"Hey Lexi" I smiled walking up, she turns from her conversation with Maryse and she took my breathe away. The dress hugged her curves all in the right places, and her hair and makeup make her eyes and face pop, I couldn't tear my eyes away.

"Finny boy, Close your mouth, you'll catch flies" Mike says walking past me  while smirking.

I quickly shook my head snapping myself out of my trance.

I looked at Alexa as she had a slight blush on her cheeks before she raised her arms slightly. "Walk me out?" She asks her voice full of hope.

"I'd be glad to Ma'lady" I grinned back as I gently took her arm and we out to the red carpet for the superstars.

I couldn't help but keep staring at Finn the entire time we were on the red carpet infront of the media, I knew there would soon be much circulation on if we were dating tomorrow but I could care less, Finn looked so handsome tonight, You have no idea how many times tonight I almost just crashed my lips right into his infront of everyone, but I couldn't, because as much as I love him, I'm not sure where I stand with him.

Almost 30 minutes later The HOF was getting underway as everyone found our seats, and coincidently me and Finn were seated beside eachother.

During the hof nothing interesting happened, And finally after almost 3 hours we could leave.

I yawned as me and Finn made it outside. "Can I get a ride with you?" I asked as we neared Finns car.

"Sure princess I don't mind" he smiles as I thank him entering the car.

I put my seatbelt on and leaned my head against the window watching other wrestlers find their cars.

Finn started up the car before pulling it into gear and heading towards our hotel.

We drove in a comfortable silence before Finn broke it.
"You going to takeover tomorrow?"

"Most likely not, but I'll see " I sighed

Finn nods "I can't go cause I have some Media tomorrow night"

I nodded in response before Finn pulled into the hotel and to a parking spot.

"Thanks for the ride Finn" I said sleepily before getting out of the car.

He smiled gently at me before exiting the car and walking over to me quickly sweeping me off my feet holding my bridal style.

"Finn" I laughed as he beamed down at me, God I'm head over fucking heels for this man.

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