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Finn was giving another promo in the ring about wanting a title opportunity and taking a few jabs at the mysterious attacker.

I pulled my mask up as I walked through the crowd, the lights flicked off, I entered the ring steel chair in hand but when I went to attack where he was standing he was gone.

The lights flicked back on and i didn't see him anywhere, I turn around and saw Finn quickly reach forward grabbing my hoodie.

I grabbed his arms and struggled to pull away,  I managed to get away but as I turned around to run away Finn ripped my hoodie down, also pulling my hair along with it.

I winced slightly in pain as my signature hair comes out as Finn pulls the hoodie.

Finns eyes widen as I whip around and face him,

I quickly roll out of the ring and back up the stage before returning backstage.

I tossed the face mask aside as Maryse approaches me. "You're the unknown person attacking Finn?" She asks in disbelief.

"Yep, Stephanie thought it would be a grand idea, I didn't like it but Stephanie always gets what she wants" I sighed as I nervously thought about Finn is gonna react.

"You're thinking about Finn aren't you?" Maryses speaks up.

"Yeah, I didn't want to hurt him but Stephanie really pushed this storyline"

I mean it was no excuse I could've just told Finn but I didn't.

We talked abit longer before I made my way to my private lockeroom.
I plopped down on the seat and ran my fingers through my hair.

I finally stood up and started putting my things inside my bag when all of a sudden I heard the door open.

I turned around and saw Finn standing there, now changed into basketball shorts and one of his shirts.

"So it was you?" He growled clearly upset.

I lowered my head and nodded, "y-Yeah it was me, I'm sorry Finn Stephanie thought the storyline was a good idea, she told me you knew everything"

"Well she lied, I knew absoulutly Nothing, I can't believe you actually would attack me!" He crossed his arms.

"You think I enjoyed hitting you with a chair!? I absoulutly did not! I regret it  Okay? I'm sorry" I whispered the last part turning around.

Finn chuckles. "The worst thing is I actually thought you could change, I actually started to like you" He snapped.

"Finn" I turned around just as he slammed the door.

Tears formed in my eyes as I quickly collapsed on the couch.

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