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Its been about a month since mines and Finns run in in the Womens lockeroom, and he's stayed away from me and I've stayed away from him but 2 weeks ago Stephanie informed me that she wants me and Finn to continue our feud, except no rules and they won't make up a storyline for us, we'll do whatever we please as long as it's within reason.

But tonight was Summerslam, I was facing Nikki Bella for the womens championship, And Finn was facing Roman reigns for the title, that was obviously the main event.

But I was definitely watching out for Finn, But he seemed to mellow out so I was thankful. I scheduled to win tonight so I was fucking ecstatic, unless Finn
had other plans.

I was debuting new gear tonight, it was black with baby pink and light green and I was absolutely in love with it. I checked myself over once again before slipping on a wwe sweatshirt and leaving for catering.

I found Nikki sitting alone taking her title. "20 minutes left with that" I said with a hint of playfulness. "If Finn doesn't interfere" She sighs looking around.

15 minutes later I had just finshed my entrance as Nikki started hers. I leaned against the ropes eyeing her up and down as she flipped over the ropes. The ref ushered me away as I gave her a disgusted look.

Nikki kissed her title before handing it off to the ref who raised it in the air before handing it off to one of the crewmembers.

The ref signaled for the bell to ring and I wasted no time quickly taking her down.


I quickly set up for the twisted bliss, I was mentally screaming at how excited I was to win the title. I sprung myself off the ropes, twisting before landing on Nikki.

I grabbed her leg hoisting it up to pin her.

The lights go out.

"You're fucking kidding me!" I growl standing up in the darkness.

The lights flickered back on to reveal Finn standing ringside looking at me.

I glared at him and stepped forward but all of a sudden Nikki grabbed me pulling me into a roll up.


Nikki pulled away before grabbing her title backing away.

I held my arm as I glared at Finn.

Finn wants me to stay out of his business? Then he should stay out of mine.


"Alexa, Don't do this! don't screw his win up" Carmella raced after me as I stormed towards the gorilla in the middle of Finns match.

"Fuck him!" I growled before throwing the curtain's aside leaving Carmella backstage.

I raced down the ramp and jumped up on the apron. "Hey!" I yelled at Finn, He turned around and his eyes locked on mine, He glared at me before Roman rolled him up grabbing a fist full of his tights.

Roman pinned Finn for the three count before rolling out leaving quite a pissed off Finn.

I grabbed a mic and entered the Ring smirking at him

"Want me to stay out of your business? Stay out of mine" I sassed before throwing the mic at him and quickly exiting the ring.

I was in for some deep shit later.


After settling into my hotelroom I decided to head out for something to eat considering I hadn't eaten anything since earlier today.

I grabbed my wallet and phone before exiting my room and walking down the hall, but only a few doors down from mine a door opened pulling me inside.

I yelped as I was dragged in and Pinned against the now closed door.

"What did I tell you pgrincess?" Finns think Irish accent filled the quiet air.

"I don't care what you said-" He put a finger to my lips hushing me. "No, you see that was just payback, but you still wanna continue to mess with me, This is your final warning babe, Stay away from my business" He licked his lips before his eyes darkened. "Got it?"

"Yeah" I studdered before he pulled away smirking "I hope you know what's good for you princess" he pulled away opening the door finally allowing me to leave.

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