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Brocks fingers around my throat again as he smirks.

"You're gonna die Alexa! And your precious  little Finn isn't coming to save you!"

I gasped for air as I felt my vision wither away, I tried to find my voice but it was nowhere to be found.
Tears flowed  as I slowly loss conconsious.

I was suddenly thrusted back into reality, I shot up in my bed with a slight scream before I started panting, I touched my slightly throat, I was covered in sweat, But the dream seemed so real.

I quickly abandoned my bed as I walked around my hotel room trying to calm myself down,

I finally calmed myself down enough to climb back into bed and try to sleep, and after an hour of tossing and turning i finally drifted off into a restless sleep.


"I'm so tired" I sighed slumping next to Carmella and maryse,

"Me too" Carmella yawns as Finn walks by our table.

I looked down before stretching out my back. "I got a match to prepare for" I mumbled.

"Against who?" Maryse asked
"Summer rae" I shrug standing up and bidding them a goodbye.

Summer was halfway to the ring as I prepared, Soon my Music started and I walked onstage, the crowd cheered as I strutted down the ramp and into the ring.

The ref signaled for the bell and we started.

I had the upper hand as I threw summer into the ropes before she bounced back and right into my  nasty  clothesline.

I groaned as she hit the ground before standing up and hitting the ropes before coming back and swung her leg around but i ducked and took out her other leg causing her to hit the ground again.

"Give up summer!" I smirked before jumping high and landing knees first onto the mid section before rolling away and flipping back right back onto her mid section again.

I quickly went for the pin but she kicked out, I growled and stood up  but the lights flicked off.

I looked around in the dark when all of a sudden they flipped back on to reveal the Beast standing right infront of me.

I filled with fear as I made eye contact  with his cold eyes.

I'm dreaming! I'm dreaming!!

I attempted to convince myself.
Brock smirked and reached forward caressing my cheek.


I slapped his hand away and backed away, "g-go away!" I begged as I  quivered

Fear consumed me and tears threatened to spill as he laughed again before roughly grabbing my arm.

I screamed slightly as he pulled me towards him.

Someone help me.


I watched in horror as Brock grabbed Alexa, I wasted no time dashing down the hallway  when I bumped into Finn.

"Woah slow down" Finn chuckles.

"Finn! Please it's Alexa" I stood up grabbing his arm.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"Its Brock" and that's all I had it say and he knew.


Brock smirked as he held a iron grip on my arm.

The crowd booed, I wonder if they knew this wasn't scheduled.

Tears filled My eyes as security filled the outside of the ring.

"Let her go Brock" Stephanie demands as she races down the ramp.

Brock let's out a demonic laugh as he licks his lips, "nah I'm having too much fun, isn't that right Kitten?"

He smirked at his Newfound nickname for Me, I shook my head and pulled my arm away and I was suddenly free, but that quickly ended when Brock grabbed me by my hair, I yelped in pain as he pulled me back to him.

"Excuse me kitten, where are you going?"

"L-let me go" I cried as he pulled me up so I was face to face with him, He laughed once again before shoving me hard to the ground, I heard Stephanie yell again as he yanks me up again, but suddenly Brocks grip loosened as i stumbled back into the turn buckle,

My eyes snapped up as i saw Finn attack brock, I quickly exited the ring but lost my balance falling onto my ass, but I was determined to get away from that beast,

"Alexa" some security person kneeled beside Me, he quickly helped me up and led me backstage,

Once backstage they led me to a quiet room and sat me down in a couch, I suddenly broke down crying, everyone tried comforting me but I  brushed them off  as my breathing quickly sped up.

"Alexa" Carmella sat down beside me as maryse sat infront of Me, "are you Okay?" Maryses whispers grabs my hand giving it a squeeze.

"I-I'm fine, just shaken" I say shakily, my mind wandered to where Finn was, I suddenly had a big urge to be in his arms, I didn't want anyone else I just wanted him in this moment- Wait, What?

I shook my head as maryse helped me to my feet, I took a couple steps before we were out in the hallway and headed towards the women's lockeroom.

Maryse and  Carmella helped me and tried talking to me but my mind kept wondering where Finn was, he can't hate me that much right? I mean he kinda saved Me, maybe he only did it cause no one else would and if I was dead wwe would be fucked, and maybe to get on Stephanies goodside?

Back at the hotel
After a few hours I convinced Carmella and maryse to leave and that I was fine, I really wasn't but the only person i wanted to see wasn't here so i wanted to be alone.

I changed into some leggings and a shirt before slipping into the bed, I just wanted to forget this day ever happened, but I knew this memory would be embedded into my brain forever, I sigh and for the next 2 hours I tossed and turned trying to sleep before finally drifting off.

Suddenly i was finally pulled out of my nightmare with a scream, I sat up in bed with tears streaming down my face, My breathing was fast and I couldn't slow it down, and my whole body was shaking, Brocks face flashed acrossed My vision once again, I let out a scream as I jumped off my bed onto the floor.

I sobbed as I reached out for my phone and dialing the number for the only person i wanted, I didn't know what time it was or did i care,

I cried until the sleepy voice filled my ear,

"Hello" they yawned

"Finn" I sobbed into the phone

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