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I smiled at my ring gear in the mirror, for once I actually liked my ring gear, it was red and black with some accents of white with some gems around the white accents. I was absolutely in love with it and my hair is now a red color at the end to replace where  blue color once was.

Tonight I'm doing a segment where I just talk about how I've always been a pushover and then that's pretty much it.

I smiled before walking to catering getting a few stares at my sudden change but I didn't care. I continued to catering before sitting with Carmella and Nikki.

"Damn girl, love your hair" Nikki smiled touching it slightly. "Fuck the hair, your ring gear oh my God" Carmella smiles looking it over.

I smiled and shrugged "I really like it, it's better then my old stuff, that was disgusting" I shuddered slightly as Nikki and Mella agreed.

"have you seen finn? he was pissed after your stunt last night" Carmella pointed out.

I shrugged and leaned back in my chair "it's not big deal, nor was it personal, finn will manage" I responded

We talked for awhile longer until it was time for my segment. I bid them both a goodbye before walking towards the gorilla.

The crewmembers played my new music, which was kinda like my old one, except no fairy type stuff and more badass

The Crowd looked confused until I finally walked out, a smirk plastered on my face and surprisingly they cheered abit.

I walked confidently down the ramp and into the Ring before a ringside crewmember handed me a mic. I grabbed it and walked to the middle of the Ring pausing for a second before bringing the mic to my lips.

"For the past year and a half you've all have seen me as the sparkly little fairy girl" I paused looking around before continuing. "For the past year and a half I've been a doormat, I've been stepped all over and I've said nothing. But you know what? I'm done with being the pushover, Everytime I got an opportunity it was snatched away just like that. so, Instead of earning opportunities now, I'm just gonna take them-"

The arena went dark and the crowd cheered, I dropped my hands to my sides with a groan knowing fully well who was about to appear.

Red lights flashed across the arena as Finn or "The Demon" crawled out his eyes fixated on me. I took his appearance in before taking a slight step back

"Alexa's clearly pissed the Demon off" Corey Graves comments from commentary.

Balor continued crawling down the ramp before finally standing up and entering the ring. His usual paint covered his upper body which gave him the even more "creepy" vibe.

The lights flashed back on and he quickly shot up looking down at me.
I would be lying if I said I wasn't atleast a little be intimated.

Finn looked at my smirking devishly, I bit my lip backing away but every step back I took he took one forward until my back hit the ropes, Finn still advanced towards me so I wasted no time quickly going under the ropes exiting the ring, I walked around the side the of the ring not once tearing my eyes from his gaze.

All of a sudden he winked at me and that's when the lights went out and a few seconds later they flickered on to reveal the demon was gone

I took a few breathes before quickly going backstage ready to get the hell outta here.

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