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I yawned as the sun streamed into my hotelroom.

I checked the time


Damn i slepted late.

I shrugged and stood up before entering to the bathroom and taking a shower.

After getting out a checking the time it was still only 12 and I had nothing to do till 4,

At around 1:30 I decided to instead of doing nothing was gonna surprise Finn at his signing.

I changed into ripped skinny jeans with a "twisted bliss" t-shirt.

I left my hair down and applied some dark makeup before grabbing my bag and my things before leaving.

It was now 2:30 and the Axxess arena was 20 minutes away.

I entered my suv and started it before heading towards Axxess.


I walked in the back area and showed the security my credentials before entering.

I was stopped alot for pictures with fans before I finally arrived to where Finn was.

I snuck around to the side as Finn took a photo with a little girl.

Next a little girl with Finns shirt and my gloves and the Raw women's champion.

I smiled and right before the photographer took the Photo I jumped in from behind the curtain thing and rested my arm on Finns shoulder.

"Ayoo" I smiled as Finn jumped looking at me. "Jeez Lexi" he laughs as the little girl looks at me and everyone else notices me.

I waved as the next person came up.

"I can't believe you came" Finn whispers looking at me, I shrugged and looked up at him "I figured you were gonna crash my axxess photo ops, I was gonna crash yours" I smiled cheekily before we took another photo with a fan,

For the next twenty minutes we took various photos with Fans, it was now nearing 4:50 and I had to leave soon or else I'd be late to my signing.

Two fans came up this time it was a girl and guy, I think they were a couple regardless they both were super nice and we signed a few things before they walked along.

"I gotta go to my signing now, I'll see you in an hour" I smiled as Finn nodded before I waved to the fans and headed to my axxess.


I crouched down and posed with a little boy who was wearing one of my shirts, he told me I was his favorite wrestler and that he was gonna wrestle someday, which was the cutest thing ever before his parents took him along.

I took a few more photos before suddenly I was picked up from behind lifting me a few feet off the ground.

"Hello" Finn whispers in my ear after I nearly had a heart attack.

"Are you trying to kill Me?" I giggled slightly as Finn just shrugs.

"Do you guys mind if I crash little miss bliss's axxess photos?" Finn suddenly announces loudly at the crowd.

"No!" A chorus of people yell, I smiled as Finn turns to Me, "I'm staying" he smiles back at me.

An hour later we had just finished everyone in line, and I was tired, "we should get a picture of just the two of us" Finn suggests smiling at me.

I nodded as we got into position for a photo, but suddenly I jumped into Finns back.

Finn stumbled and laughed and grabbing my legs "I geuss this works" I smiled at the camera as I wrapped my arms around Finn gently.

The camera guy took our picture before I jumped off Finns back.

"Well today was fun" I smiled as we waited for the picture to print.

"That it was Princess" he smirks cheekily at Me, my stomach flipped at his nickname for me and smile,

We waited a minute before before the Photo printed,

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