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I woke up the next morning and changed into some gym clothes before exiting my room and making my way to the local gym. It was still around 7am so everyone else was asleep.

I found this cozy little gym down the street and I walked in, it was nearly deserted  except for the famliar figure of finn running on the treadmill.

I shook my head and quickly headed to the leg machines, I popped my headphones in as panic! At the disco filled my ears before starting my workout.

Sometime later I had finished most of my workout when Finn randomly approached me, "Hey Lexi can you spot me for abit?" He asks panting slightly. I quickly nodded before following him to the bench press.

He had about around  100 pounds altogether on it. He quickly slips under and wraps his fingers around the bar, I give him a nod of approval before he starts his reps.

I watched him for abit before my eyes  wandered down to his muscles and abs, the way they flexed everytime his arms pushed the bar up.

"14" he huffs suddenly causing my gaze to snap back to his face focusing on him, but once again I found myself getting lost in his face, the slight beads of sweat falling down the sides of his face, even tho his face was contorted into determination? He still looked hot as hell-

Wait, Alexa stop! How the fuck are you thinking like this-

"Take a picture it'll last longer" Finn Teased as he set his bar back up on where they're hold.

"Oh, uh I wasn't staring" I studdered as a blush found it's way to my face.

"Mhm Okay, Miss Kaufman" a playful smirk plays on his lips.

"I should go" I Studdered once again embarrassed before quickly walking away.

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