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Raw the following week
I sat back in the shitty plastic chairs the arena gave us tonight,  they were so uncomfortable that I'd rather be sitting on the floor.

I had a match against Natayla later tonight that I was scheduled to win,
and Finn had a match too, it was against Brock Lesnar, yeah I know he's here for once... Shocker!

Anyways that match was in a couple of minutes, I don't think I'm gonna interfere as Brock scares me and Stephanie advised me not to as Brock has quite a temper, even if I were to help Finn, Brock doesn't like someone interfering, he's also very sexist and believes women should be valets instead of wrestlers.

"Lexiii" Maryse says walking up. "Hey girl" She smiles at my response  before sitting in the seat next to me.

"I'm so tired, Mike was up all last night throwing up," she sighs leaning back in her chair as Finn makes his entrance.

"Is he okay now?" I ask looking at her in concern.

"Oh yeah he's fine now, But Stephanie still made him come in..bitch" she mumbles the last part before Brock started his entrance with Paul Heyman in tow behind him.

I pulled out my phone scrolling through Twitter as the match started looking up at the screen on occasion, Brock had the upper hand for most of the match,  until I suddenly  looked up and saw Finn roll up Brock.


"What?" Maryses eyes widen before looking at me as Finn escapes the ring to avoid Brocks wrath.

Finn actually won, Brocks gonna be fucking pissed.

Finn walks up the ramp holding his shoulder smirking before entering backstage.

everyone kinda just stared at eachother before a bunch got up to go somewhere else where brock wouldn't be.

A couple minutes go by and Brock has finally made it backstage where he is livid, he's throwing chairs, boxes everything around and of course they have a camera following him.

I take that as my cue to leave catering when he arrives, Maryse was already long gone as I scrambled up and headed for the exit.

"You!" He yells at as I make my way out of catering. "Me?" I ask swiveling around to face the tall beast hoping I wasn't the one he was yelling at. "This is your fault stupid bitch! If you would've came out there and distracted Finn we wouldin't be in this mess"

"What?" I snap, "we? I think not, I think you mean you, sorry that you lost to Finn, you always blame your loses on someone else, then don't show up for months! You're an idiot, but  it's quite comical that you lost tonight, I mean if you lost you're just-" I was cut off but two big hands as they shoved me forcefully against the wall, my head smacked hard against the concrete.

Good fucking going Lexi now you're gonna die, you just had to open your mouth!! Fuck.

"Shut up! Shut up you fucking idiot!" He screamed at me as his hands gripped hard on my shirt and throat picking me up off the ground.

"BROCK!" I heard people yell as he kept me there yelling profanities and other things at me, I couldn't quite make them out as I was focusing on trying to breathe.

I thrashed around as he held his iron  grip, my hands wrapping around his wrists in failed attempts to pull them off.

"You wanna say anything more little girl!?" He screamed in my face, I shook my head as he pulled me away from the wall before quickly pinning back against it causing me to hit my head once again.

He screamed again before throwing me roughly to the ground, I landed on the ground and  I cried out as he picked me back up and slammed me against the wall.

People tried pulling him off me but considering how big he was he kept  brushing them off, I gasped for air.

He laughed as I struggled to breathe, he was fucking enjoying this? someone dying? what a twisted fuck.

I'm literally about to die and I haven't even been to all the Disney parks.

"L-let me go" I pleaded with the little voice I had as tears started swelling up and black spots appeared all around my vision.
He ignored me and kept pushing harder, I felt myself starting to grow weaker.

Everyone's voices faded to the background, my vision was almost completely gone  until all of sudden the pressure was gone and I dropped  to the ground.

I gasped as I hit the ground as all the air came rushing back into my lungs.
I gripped my left leg in pain, My vision was blurry with tears as I stared down at the grey flooring, my arms barely able to keep my body weight up.

I heard some shuffling and groaning as people crowded around me.
"Alexa"  unfamiliar voices called until a familiar Irish one filled my ears, it somehow brought me comfort.

"Alexa, it's okay"  I felt him gently grab my arm , and without thinking I quickly  wrapped my arms around Finn burying my face into his chest, he wraps his around me and hugs me. "Its okay princess" he whispers trying to calm me down.

I finally was able to calm myself down enough to pull away and wipe away the tears.

The doctor quickly plops down beside me and checks me out to make sure I was fine, I peered up and spotted Stephanie leaning over me pure concern across her face.

"I can't clear her to compete." The doctor announces after a few minutes, I wasn't surprised.

I sigh as Stephanie nods before turning to Finn "Finn help her to trainers room so she can get checked over more" He nods before she rushes off.

"Give me your hand" Finn says softly, I comply and hand him my hand as he helps me up, I let out a cry  as pain hits my leg.

Maryse quickly dashed to my other side and supported me there.

We slowly make our way into the trainers room, he helped me sit down on the bed thing before the doctor came in.

"Hello Alexa" he smiles walking over.
He runs some tests on me before confirming I in fact had a concussion and a fractured on the bottom half of my leg.

All of a sudden I felt bile work it's way up my throat, my hand immediately covered my mouth as I  quickly scanned the room for something to puke in the doctor handed me a garbage can as I throw up today's lunch.

The doctor leaves and returns with some crutches, "use these untill you reach the hospital, they're tell you what to do there"

I nod as I drop the garbage to the floor. Finn and Maryse gave me sympathetic looks.

"Don't look at me like that and help me" I sighed looking down.

They quickly help me gather my things before maryse turns to Finn,
"I've got her from here, go back and change" she refers to him still in his ring gear.

Finns eyes meet mine and he looked concerned. "Okay,"

"Bye Finn thank you" I smile weakly before closing the passenger door.

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