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"What!?" I raised my voice  slightly at Hunter, cringing because he's my boss but I was furious.

"Sorry Alexa, you're not that charismatic and don't have enough drive, So you're out of the match, instead Dana's in" Hunter shrugged before walking off to tend to another matter, acting like he didn't just tear me to pieces.

My eyes trained on his back, the dark blue suit covering his broad shoulders, my hands curled up into fists at my side and my teeth clenched.

That was my breaking point, After weeks of being pulled last second from great matches and being dropped from almost every storyline in the last month I was done, I had finally snapped, So that's why I'm currently standing here in the Womens lockeroom at the Elimination Chamber PPV where I got bumped out of my match once again,

I was seething as I fixed my hair, I wasn't thinking straight as I watched the womens match that I was supose to be in, finish and the main event start.

Finn Balor vs Kevin Owens for the universal championship.

My mind raced as I watched the men tear at each other, until a daring thought popped into my head,

Drive huh? I'll show you drive.

I flattened out my ugly blue ring gear
Before storming out of the womens lockeroom towards the gorilla, getting a few stares as I watched the monitor waiting for the perfect opportunity, I was given some wary looks, almost like they had a feeling as to what I was about to do.

Almost 2 minutes later is when it came, Finn was setting up for the coup de gras, I smirked and much to the protest of a few people I ran out down the ramp onto the apron.

"HEY FINN" I yelled smirking, His gaze snapped up to mine and a look of confusion flashed across his face before Kevin stood up pulling Finn off the top buckle.

The crowd booed as Kevin did the pop up power bomb winning the match, Kevin looked at me shaking his head but a smile was evident on his lips as he raised his title.

Finn finally became aware of his surroundings and his eyes trained on me, I leaned against the ropes and gave a taunting wave before jumping off the apron.

I was in for some major repercussions backstage but I could care less at the moment, I took a deep breath before pushing the curtains aside and walked backstage to where I was met with alot of angry faces.

"ALEXA" Triple Hs voice roared down the hall. Well shit. I bit my lip standing there, all my confidence withering away as Triple H stood infront of me. "What in God's name was that!?" He towered over me the anger written all over his face.

I opened my mouth to reply but he cuts me off "is this your lashing out because I took you off your match earlier!? If you had a problem with it you should've told me" I grit my teeth before replying "I couldn't have because you rushed off to tend with more "charismatic" wrestlers! Ever since I've stepped through that door nobody has EVER given me a chance! Everytime I earn a title opportunity you snatch it away and give it to someone "more" deserving!" I balled my fist glaring at him.

Triple h was fuming now, our eyes mentally throwing daggers at one another,
"Hunter! The fans! They love Alexa's actions" Stephanie raced up and showed him something on her tablet, but I could still see the annoyed look on her face.

She scrolled abit before Triple h sighed before pinching the bridge of his nose."Fine, you can keep your job, but you're pulled off all live events this week, no pay, you can show up tomorrow for Raw, but that's it, don't come to smackdown either and no live events"

I nodded furiously glad I wasn't fired.
"Well since you basically turned heel  we're gonna have to get new ring gear made for you, and possibly get something done with that blue hair" Stephanie tilts her head giving me a once-over.

I nodded curtly before Stephanie dismissed me, I wasted no time rushing away towards catering to find Carmella.

"Alexa are you fucking insane!?"Carmella yelled as she walked up with Lana, Maryse and Nikki bella. "Yep" I giggled, "I can show up tomorrow for Raw but I'm suspended for the rest of the week" I informed all of my friends.

"I don't know what we're are gonna do with you Alexa" Nikki shook her head.

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