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I yawned as I packed my dufflebag for Raw, I barely slept last night and couldn't throughout the day, I gave my hotelroom a onceover, making sure I wasn't forgetting anything, I was leaving right after raw and driving straight to the next city  for a show.

I pulled my matte black suitcase behind me as I reached the elevators, two women exited the elevator and headed down the hall, I entered and pressed the bottom floor button before it descended to the main lobby,  I gave a polite smile to the attendant and let them know I was checking out, they gave me my safety deposit back before telling me to have a nice day.

The ride over wasn't eventful, I stopped off and grabbed a couple redbulls, i'm gonna need it, I met up with Carmella in the parking lot, She did all the talking as we entered the building, I think she was talking about wanting us to get lunch when we're in Baltimore next week, I yawned and nodded in agreement barely paying attention as we entered the dressing room, I changed into my blue and pink wrestleing gear, as I was tying up my boots Carmella said she was headed to catering, wanting a sandwich as she didn’t eat lunch, I nodded and told her I would be there in a moment,

I finished tying up my boots, it was kinda chilly so I threw on some back track pants and one of my sweaters overtop of my gear, I grabbed my phone and headed towards catering in search of Carmella, I took a sip of my redbull as I found Carmella shoving  a sandwich down her throat,

"Jesus Carmella slow down" I said sitting down beside her, I grabbed my redbull and took a sip peering around the room,  my fellow wrestlers and colleagues were all around, some were eating, some were practicing their scripts, others looked just as tired as I felt.

I yawned before looking at the time, "my slot for hair and make-up is coming up, I'll catch up with you" I said tiredly to Carmella before heading towards hair and makeup.

"Jesus Lexi you look like shit"  Brenda said as she finished up with Naomi, I chuckled slightly "nice to see you too Brenda" I gave Naomi a small smile before I took a seat where she previously sat, I leaned back and watched silently as Brenda pulled everything out for my makeup.

"just a subtle pink makeup look will do" I said, I didn't feel like a cakey face today, I fluttered my eyes shut as Brenda got to work, I geuss she figured out I wasn't in a talkative mood tonight.

I kept my eyes shut for maybe 10 minutes before Brenda pulled me from my day dream, "Hey Finn, Brad is just bringing in the paint he should be back any second" her said in a friendly tone, dread filled my body knowing how close he was, God why can he just leave me alone. I left my eyes closed, not wanting to look at Finn, I felt Brenda dab the foundation into my skin,  it was awkwardly quiet, I could feel the tension.

I finally mustered the courage and opened my eyes, I looked in the mirror infront of me and behind me was Finn sat in those shitty plastic fold up chairs staring right at me, I quickly adverted my gaze to my fingers as Brenda continued her magic.

30 uncomfortable minutes later Brenda finished and I was sent on my way, Finn was still getting painted up as I left, I've never left a room so quickly in my life, I headed out to my car, I needed air, I finally reached my rental and sat inside taking a deep breath, I hated being around him, it brought so many feelings, did I hate him? did i love him? should I just forget him? he hurt me and yet I still can't seem to stay mad, 

I sighed and leaned against the leather seat watching the sun sit low in the sky, I just wanted to sleep, I've slept like shit and I have a feeling it's because of what's going on with Finn, he can always help me when I can't sleep, but now I can't call him so I just suffer, I checked my watch and realized my segment was in 30 minutes, I took another deep breathe before exiting the car.

"makeup can't hide everything" a deep voice said the second  my feet hit the concrete, I jumped and turned to the voice finding Finn in shorts and all his demon makeup on, his eyes not leaving mine,

"I don't know what you're talking about" I said turning on my heels to leave but he reached his hand out grabbing my bicep and pulling me back towards him "I can see the bags under your eyes from a mile away lexi, what's wrong?" he asked sincerely, but I still had my guard up, "nothing, just, I'm fine okay?" I said gently removing his hand from my arm, I didn't want to mess up the paint on his hands.

I guess he wasn't finished talking to me because next thing I knew both his hands were on either side of me and I was pinned against the car, his eyes staring into mine, almost like he was trying to figure out what's wrong, "it's the nightmares isn't it" how the fuck did he- "no, just was up late training, please Finn just-"

"Alexa stop lying, I'm sorry for what happened, She kissed me, I care about you so much Alexa and if I could change the course of what happened I'd do it, please Alexa stop shutting me out" he pleads, his face was so much closer now, I could smell the mint probably from the gum he was chewing earlier and abit of the paint, the paint kinda smelt weird.

I knew what was about to happen, I was about to have a moment of weakness, Finn kept getting closer, I wanted to- no you can't!

"I'm sorry I-" but I wasn't allowed to finish because next thing I knew I ducked under Finns arms and ran straight to the arena doors.


I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter :)
I'm actually kind of glad I'm starting to write again, I have so many more ideas now for this book than I used to, I  hope you guys enjoy where this story goes.

keep a look out for another chapter sometime this week!❤

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