Chapter 20

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I know readers are finding most of the chapters short so I will definitely try to post longer chapters from now on. But this one is short too , I guess. Sorry :(

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Melanie's P.O.V.

Ok, seriously what was wrong with Jared? He had been giving me a cold shoulder since morning and it was almost seven in the evening now. What did I do to deserve this? Were we not friends till yesterday? So whatever happened suddenly? We did not even have an argument or anything.

Oh? Could it be? May be. I remembered that I did not tell Jared who I was chatting with even though he seemed quite curious about it. I did not have anything against telling him but I did not like the way he was going all detective on me yesterday. So, I did not tell him. I doubt that spoilt his mood . I mean why would he care anyways? But who knew? Maybe it had hurt hsi ego ? I thought it was best to tell him and see his reaction. I decided I would tell him at dinner.

After about an hour he called me for dinner. Yeah, he did call me. Since morning the three sentences he said to me were -" Breakfast is ready , Lunch is ready and Dinner is ready." I almost ran towards the kitchen.

He was already seated on the chair with a ignorant expression on his oh-so-perfect face. Yes, I said perfect face beacuse it really was . Not my mistake if I could not get over that.

I could not deny that just because he was so full of himself. So anyways I took my seat and started nibbling on the food. Finally I gathered courage and said, "How was your day?"


Wow so much for trying to make a conversation. 

"I had a quite boring day , u know." I said hoping he would say something. He did not say anything.

Oh god, why was I even trying? 

"I hope you had a good night's sleep last night. I mean I was not there to disturb you." I said hoping that would make him say something nice. Well, he did not say anything but he did one thing. Glare. He glared at me. Why? Well, I did not know. Maybe he was angry on someone else and I was a target of that anger.

"What are you so angry about?" I asked finally.

"I am not angry."

"Come on, its too obvious .O.K?"

"O.K. May be I am angry but it is none of your business."

"What the hell Jared? I asked because I am concerned."

"Yea, right. Look when you can't tell me what's going on in your life , don't expect me to tell you what's up in mine."

"Why are you behaving like an arrogant jerk? I thought you are not like that. You know, yesterday I was message chatting with my cousin who knows about your bad boy image but I told him that you have a nice heart and we are friends. Looks like it is just me who thinks we are friends."

I saw his almost shocked expression . Was he shocked that I called him a friend? My god, did he not think of us as friends even? I was thinking about this when he spoke up.

"What did you just say?"

"I thought we were friends." I said getting embarrassed .

"No, before that?" 

Ugh, what did I say before that? I did not think I could remember that.  

"I don't really remember what exactly I said."

"Something about your cousin, I think."

"Oh, yeah I told him you are a good person."

He instantly smiled. What? Smiled? Just like that? Was it because I said he was a good person?

"You were message chatting with your cousin?"

"Yeah, Paul. He is the closest I have to a brother." I said.

"Yeah, you have mentioned him before. Why did you not tell me it was him you were chatting to?" 

"I don't know. I guess you were irritating me with your constant questioning."

"Hey by the way If you think I am angry , then you are right. I am angry not on you though. I am angry on this guy who messed up our chances of getting an important business deal."

Now, I would be lying if I said I was not relived to hear that. I mean I had no idea why could Jared be angry on me. There was no reason for him to be after all. So, it was someone else he was angry on. But, it was not right to take that out on me.

"So? You had to take that out by ignoring me?"

"Yeah, I mean No but I was so pissed off that had I talked to you I would have snapped at anything. I did not want that so I thought not talking would be better." 

I thought about it for a while. Something about it made me feel he was lying. But I guessed it was my imagination so I let it go.

"Hmm, ok. But we are cool now?"

"Yeah, of course." He said flashing his pearl white teeth in a million dollar smile that made heart go crazy. Yeah, I needed a cardiac doctor.

After dinner I was washing the dishes but Jared did not leave as usual. He stood beside the counter and looked at me .

"Why are you still here?" I asked him.

" How did you sleep yesterday?

"Nicely." I said. That was true. I was not afraid to sleep alone anymore. That was because by then I was used to that surrounding.

"Oh, so you will sleep in your room."

That was not a question so I did not say anything on that.

After I did the washing of dishes we both walked to our rooms together. 

As soon as I entered my room , I felt exhausted. The day was a weird one with Jared behaving like that for no mistake of mine. I was glad he was fine now. The idea of ignoring me was just too taxing for me. I did not quite understand why it mattered so much but surely, it did.

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