Chapter 26

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Here I am with another short chapter.

P.S. - I have realized taht I am completely incapable of writing long chapters . :p

Hope you like it .

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And well, you can fan me too :p I don't have many , ya see:D

Enjoy :)

Melanie's P.O.V.

I was lying on my bed trying to get some sleep but I was restless. Every time I closed my eyes , all I could think was that warm hug I shared with Jared. Whatever was happening to me? It was just a hug . That's all. A hug that made me calm and relieved as if there was not a worry in life. I was completely over what had happened a day before . And that was when he did not even say sorry ! A hug made me forget how rude Jared had been .

Finally , I drifted off to sleep some time after one at night.

I got up a bit late than my usual time. You can't blame me though now, can you? If anyone was to be blamed it was Jared . I mean I lay awoke late night thinking about him only. That itself was a bad sign. I shook my mind off him finally and went to get ready.

After I had taken my shower and dressed myself in a light blue top and white shorts , I made my way to the kitchen. By the smell that hit my nose I knew Jared had made scrambled eggs and Bacon . Yay ! I loved it.

"Morning" I said cheerily.

He looked back and greeted me giving me a million dollar smile. Err, what I mean is he smiled . That's it.

"So , did you sleep well yesterday?" , he asked me placing breakfast on the table. I got up and poured ourselves orange juice.

"yeah, why on earth are you suddenly asking me this?" I asked giving him a curious look.

"Just like that. I am sorry about yesterday."

Whoa, Jared was apologizing. But, wait , for yesterday? Why ?

"For yesterday ? Why ? "

"I shouted at you ."

"Hey, it is ok . I did not mind. It was obvious that you behaved like that as you were worried."

"Um, yeah but well I should not have shouted on you in front of Trey." 

"Doesn't really matter. It was just Trey , no one else." I said smiling .

"Yeah , I forgot you both are best friends now My bad." He said suddenly loosing his casual tone.

He sounded almost .... Jealous . Really? Did he think I was stealing his best friend?

" We are not best friends. Don't worry." I said trying to assure him .

"Worry? Why will I worry? You both can be as close friends as you want to be." He said smirking.

"Don't lie . You are jealous."

I clearly saw him stiffen at that.

"Why the hell will I be jealous?"

"Because you are afraid I am trying to rob you of your BFF." I said getting up and smirking at him. Geez, I actually smirked!! 

My mouth practically hung open when he burrsted out laughing. Uh-oh ? I did not crack a joke . Did I ? God, I had never seen him laugh like that.

"You think I am worried about" *laughter* "about you stealing my best friend , Really?" *laughter* . He somehow managed to say between his fits of laughter .

Ok, so now I was feeling like an idiot .

"I , just , I was kidding . Ok?" I said trying to sound convincing.

"Like hell you were." He said with a grin plastered over his face.

Damn , looked like I had actually said something stupid.

"Yes. I was . I have to go now."

I said and rushed out of the kitchen . I had no wish to stand there and be made fun of.

I went to my room and lied down on the bed. I had nothing to do. Like always.

I simple picked up a book and started reading.

~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~

Jared's P.O.V.

I saw Melanie practically running out of the kitchen.

The girl thought I was jealous of her as she was getting close to my best friend. Her brain has a weird way of analyzing things.

Well, obviously I was not jealous because of that . Hell, I was not jealous . Or was I ? 

I could not really say that seeing them together yesterday was not something that made me angry. It did. But why ? That was a question. Not like I had a thing for Melanie or something. Maybe I got angry because she did not pick up my calls. Yeah , that must be it.

I went to my office room and started with my work. God, I had lots to do. It is not easy to earn money . You gotta work for it.

Sometime in the middle of being engrossed in a file , my mind suddenly flipped somewhere else . My car. The chocolate box. Yeah, the chocolates I bought for her yesterday.

I started to get up to go bring it but then I decided that the chocolates could wait and shifted my concentration back to my work.

About ten minutes later , I was knocking on her door with the chocolate box in my hand. Yes, the chocolates could not wait.

"Come in." , I heard her voice .

I gently pushed the door open. She was sitting on her bed and reading a novel . God, why did she read so much ? Was it a disorder?

"Hey." I said.

"You are here , in my room, when you should be in your office . Whatever it is you are here for , I guess it is quite important for you. " she said looking all serious.

"Well, You may say so. I am sorry." 

"What is your problem? You are here to make fun of me again ? " she said throwing a pillow at me. Missed the shot though.

"No, I am sorry for what happened a day before yesterday."

That took her by surprise. She simply looked at me without saying or doing anything.

I sat beside her and took her hands in mine.

"I really am sorry , Melanie. I know I hurt you though I did not want to. Can you forgive me ? Please Mel."

I felt a burst of emotions flowing through me. Emotions that I had never felt before. 

I could help but shift closer to her.

She still did not reply but her eyes were fixed on me .I cupped her face in my hands and said, " Please Melanie, forgive me ."

"I forgive you." She said smiling at me.

Her face still in my hands ,I did something unexpected.

I kissed her.

Yay! So finally a kiss !

Let's see how "sweet n shy " Melanie reacts to that :p

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