Chapter 31

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Sorry for the long wait .......

Just wanted to tell u all that I had to write this chappy twice as I lost it the first time. It was really frustrating ! :(

So anywyas , when I wrote it the second time , I did not write it as good as before. I did not include many things and the last part is not in this cappy anymore. Sorry , but I was really pissed off :/

Happppy reading.........

Pleassseeee voteeeeeeeeeeee :)

Melanie's P.O.V. 

I was ready and waiting for Jared in the living room. He was not ready , of course. I mean it always happened. I got ready before him. After he was the beauty queen between the two of us. After about 10 minutes I heard footsteps behind me and turned out to see Jared . He was wearing a light green tight fitting shirt with its top two buttons open. The outline of his muscles underneath the shirt left nothing to imagination. I knew I was gawking but I could move my eyes off him. I swept my eyes from top to down and was still staring. I knew I could have gone for hours had not my phone beeped . The sound of the beep brought me out of the trance. Thank God . I did not check the message and looked anywhere but at him.

"Let's go?"


Within five minutes we were driving towards the main city. We talked about random things throughout the way . Finally he parked his car in front of my destination. My old apartment.

"Here we are." Jared said .

"Thanks. Come in Jared. I am sure Em and Sammy will like that."

"I have to hurry now. Will meet them when I come to pick you up."

"Come on , Jared. You don't need to pick me up . I can mange on my own."

"I will be in the city till evening so it only fair that I pick you up ."

"You will be ? Oh , then I guess its ok. But in case your work here gets over before six , then you go home. Just don't forget to inform me."

"Sounds fine. Cyah then."


"Bye ." saying this he drove off.

I walked to the door of the apartment and rang the bell. The door was opened almost immediately by Sammy who gave me a hug that lasted forever . Just like before I had got married to Jared.

"Where is Em?" I said walking in.

"Right here.", came her voice from behind me. I hugged her and then the three of us sat on the couch and started chattering. It was going to be a fun filled day.

Jared's P.O.V.

It was lunch time and I was lying down on my bed. I did not feel the need to have lunch as my stomach felt full. I had eaten a quick snack before leaving the head office of my company. Yeah , of course I did not have to stay there till evening . I just told that to Melanie because I wanted her stop asking me to not pick her up. Lying had never been a habit of mine but it seemed that I was doing it pretty much lately. What was that girl doing to me? Whatever it was, I liked it. I had never been so protective of my previous crushes. I had never been jealous too. I had never thought about a kiss so much before. Yeah , I still could not get that out of my mind. How I wished I could do that again ! Everything that I felt for her was so much intense than I had ever felt for anyone. Was it possible that it was not just a crush ? That it was something more ? Like L... NO !!!! NO!!!! NEVER GONNA HAPPEN. It was a crush. Yeah , that's it.

I switched on the TV and moved to a music channel. I did not realize how the time passed but the next thing I knew was that it was time to get ready .

I was almost ready when my cell rang . It was my mom calling me .

"Hey Mom. How are you and dad?"

"Hey son , we both are good . Just a bit tired with so many things going around."

"Yeah , I know how hectic it gets organizing the event in Washington."

"But in the end its all worth it , is it not?"

"Of course it is. I am sure the event will be a huge success this year too."

"Hope so . By the way there is something I need to talk to you about."

"Yea, Mom?" 

"Ariel called me up today and told me that she had been sick from the past few days and the doctor had suggested her to take a break from her everyday life and spend a few days in a calm , nature friendly place."

"Uh, okay, what had this got to do with me?" I asked getting confused.

"well, the things is that she doesn't want to go anywhere far from her home and the only place she could think of that was nature friendly and still not really far from her home was your house."

"Oh, OK. I get it . She wants to stay here for a few days."

"Yes. Do you mind?"

Do I ? I didn't mind helping her if she really was unwell. But what if she was lying? Would she lie about this? But I could not say no just because I had my doubts. That was not me. She could be telling the truth.

"Jared? Are you there?"

"Oh , yeah .Mom. I , well , She can stay here."

" Just remember one things . She has no idea about your relationship with Melanie and it will be better if she doesn't . I mean you how her very well. She will go about singing in the whole city if she senses something weird."

"I know Mom. I will see to it. When will she come?"

"She will reach by seven in the evening."

"What ? like today?"


On No !

"Mom, I need to fix things right now. Talk to you later. Bye ."

"Bye . love you."

"Love you too."

God she was coming in a few hours and there was much to do. First I would have to move Melanie's things to my room. That would take time and I had to go pick up Melanie. I could always call her and ask her to come on her own but I did not like the idea of her being alone with a stranger cab driver in the middle of all these trees and forests. No I could let her come alone.

I picked up my phone and dialed the number.

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