Chapter 42

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Holllllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..................... good to see u after like 1 month ? Or more ? I hv no idea..... I have been super duper busy with my office and classes and life :D

I hope I still hv my readers . 

When I woke up today I had no idea that I will post a chappy today . Coz I had not started writing . Heck, I had not even thought abt what was I going to write next. Infact , I had to read the previous chappy before starting to write this one. Oh yeah , I have a pretty bad memory :p

Somehow , I was free today and I started this chappy and then I was like "It has been ages since I last updated " , so I finished this chappy in the same sitting. So , I suppose there will be lots of mistake. Sorry fr that .Oh , and as always it's a short chappy ;p

Nyways hope u enjoy reading !

Puhleeeezzzz vote :)

Trey's P.O.V.

I knocked on the door and let myself in. Melanie was standing near the window and looking out. She looked very upset.


She slowly turned to see me and I realized she had been crying.

"Have you been crying? What happened?"

There was a long pause before she said, "I don't know-"and then she suddenly started sobbing. I walked towards her and hugged her without saying anything. She hugged me back tightly. That told me she was really disturbed and sad. I had no idea what was she crying about but I let her cry. Sometimes it is just good to let the tears flow. Although I did not know what was wrong, I sensed that it had got something to do with Jared because if that had not been the case, Jared would have been at her side, consoling her. He would have not let her alone. Plus Jared seemed pissed off when I had asked to see Melanie.

When her sobs subsided I walked her to the bed and made her sit. Then I handed her a glass of water. I sat next to her and put an arm around her while she drank water. Few minutes passed with neither of us saying anything and just sitting in that position. I hated to see her so upset. The girl deserved to be happy.

Finally I broke the silence , "You Ok now?"

I felt her nod on my shoulder. So I moved my arm from around her and made her face me.

"Tell me what happened."

No answer.

"Was it Jared?"

She waited a while before nodding slowly. I waited for her to say something but she did not.

"Do you trust me?" Did she?

She looked right into my eyes and nodded. Something about her expression told me that she would tell me now. I was right.

"When I first came to this house, I did not like Jared at all. He was that person with home I had to share a house for four months and that was it. I really bad views about him given his playboy image. I thought he was not a good guy. But I was wrong!"

There was a pause after that and I decided not to say anything and let her continue . I had nothing to say anyways.

"I , soon realized that even though he was a flirt and all that , he was still a good man . I started to like him. I regarded him as a friend. A very good friend."

I had no hint where was she going with this. Was she going to tell me that she was in love with him? I had no wish of hearing her confess her love for Jared. That would be too much for my heart. I had accepted that Jared was in love with her and that she had feelings for him too but that did not mean that I was over my feeling for her. It pained me to know that my best friend would probably be happily married to the girl I was in love with.

Even now, I was very aware of her close presence to me. In fact, every time we touched I had a weird sensation flow throughout my body.

"Looks like Jared never regarded me as a friend after all." She said taking me out of my thoughts.

"What did he do ? Was he rude to you? Was he angry?"

I was not going to let get off easily for saying anything wrong to her. He did not have any right to upset her to this extent.

"He, well, we kissed."


So not what I was expecting. I knew that this and much more would happen between them one day or the other. But there was no way I was prepared to listen about it. The words were like a slap on my face .All I wanted to do then was to get up leave so that I did not have to listen to her telling me how she made out with someone who was not me. But some part in me knew that there was something after this that led her to be upset.

"And?" I asked .

"Then he said that , actually he almost said he loved me." , saying that she rested her head on my chest and hugged me tightly . I felt myself hugging her back automatically. She had started to cry again. I was too busy dealing with my own emotions to say anything to her. My mind wanted me get away from her as soon as possible. My heart wanted me to stay and console her. My body, well, it was reacting in its own weird way given the fact that we were very close. I knew it was wrong but there was nothing I could do about it. Eventually , the heart won the battle and I rubbed her back trying to stop her from crying.

" Why are you so upset about it ? I think you like him too. In a more than friendly way." Actually , I was almost sure she did like him.

"Don't you see it? There is no way a guy like him would ever fall for me. He was just lying the way he does with every other girl he sleeps with. He sees me in no different light. I am just a girl whom he would confess his love for so that he can have his way with her and then move on. I really thought he liked me as a friend. That he would never treat me like a one night stand. I was wrong Trey. I was so wrong."

The first thing that came to my mind was that she did not once deny having feelings for him. After that my mind processed all that she had said. She thought Jared wanted to lie his way to her bed and that was why she was so upset. I knew exactly what I had to do right now.

I pulled her a little away from myself so that she could she me. She had to know this. She needed to see me when I told her so that she so that she knew I was not lying.

"Mel, If Jared said or almost said that loves you then he really does. I know him from when we were children and trust me I know that he has never confessed his love for anyone. He has never been in love with anyone. If he confessed being in love with you then he really does love you with all his heart. Trust me."

It pained. A lot. But I knew I did the right thing. She just had to know. 

Shock and confusion was written all over her face. But there was only so much my heart could take. I had to leave.

"I really need to go now. I will call you later. Take care."

She simply nodded before I let myself out.

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