Chapter 15

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I opened my eyes slowly. I felt fresh after finally having a good night's sleep. I started to sit up on the bed when I saw Jared standing beside the bed and looking at me. No , staring at me. I sat up with a start. What the hell was he doing ?

I quickly wrapped the cover around me more tightly. I was shocked but I still could not ignore admiring Jared's oh-so-perfect face.

"What the hell do you think you are doing here?" I shouted.

"I am looking at you and wondering why are you on my bed?"

"Your ? Are you .." Then I remembered.

Last night I had asked him to let me sleep in his room. I had slept on his couch but was utterly uncomfortable. My back had started paining so I shifted to Jared's bed and slept creating as much distance between us as possible.

With the realization I could feel my ears turning warm because of embarrassment. Not only did I slept on his bed without his permission but also accused him of being in my room.

"Wow. Red ears. That's new." Jared said with a smirk.

"Sorry for shouting. I, um, I could not adjust on that couch so I slept here. I made sure to maintain a distance between us. I know it's still wrong though. I should not have. I am really sorry." I said looking down at my hands.

I heard him chuckle.

"Seriously girl, you think a lot. I did tell you that you may sleep here if you wanted to. I don't mind it. It's not like you are the first girl to share a bed with me." He said with a wink and walked out of the room.

I was relieved that he did not stand there and watch me blush. I quickly went to my room.

After taking a shower I put on a light purple sleeveless top with khaki colored shorts that reached a little above my knees. 

I kept my hair down and made my way to the kitchen.

Jared was already seated on the table sipping coffee and reading newspaper.

"Morning Jared."

"Good morning , Melanie. Here, sit. Breakfast is ready."

He put a plate of boiled eggs and toast in front me and kept another plate in front of him. I poured myself some coffee.

" Did Trey text you saying Good morning ?" , Jared suddenly asked me.

"What ? No."

"O.K. I have to attend a meeting today so I wont be home today till late evening. I will be at our company headquarters."

"So I will be alone here?"

"Yes. Remain inside the whole time. Do not wander outside even for a second. Do not let any stranger come inside. You get me?"

"Jeez , I am not a five year old . I know all that."

"Good. I better go get ready."

He left and I sat there reading the newspaper.

After a few minutes I was standing in the garden admiring its beauty . I heard Jared coming towards me. I turned around to see him dressed in a metallic blue business suit. I literally felt my jaw drop at the sight of this serious looking Greek God. Why did he have to look so damn good all the time?

"I am leaving .Bye , Melanie."


I saw him get into his car and drive off.

I went inside and locked the door.

The rest of the day went by smoothly. I finished reading "A message in a bottle" as that was all I did the entire day. I made sandwich for lunch as that was easy. I even talked to my parents and Emily on the phone.

~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~

It was almost 7:30 p.m and Jared had not returned . He had not even bothered to call once .It was already dark and I wanted nothing more than Jared to return home. I was already paranoid about this stupid place surrounded with endless forests and now I had to be in that house alone at this hour. I so wanted to call Jared and ask him to come fast but my stupid pride was not allowing me. He should have called himself.

I could hear the eerie voices made by the insects and what not in the forest.  

I sat on a chair in the living room doing nothing but praying . I knew I was being silly but I could not help it.

The bell rang and I jumped off the chair with a shriek. I , slowly went towards the door and saw through the peephole. I let out my breath and opened the door.

"Look at you. You look as if you have seen a ghost or something." Jared said coming in

I ignored his comment and made myself busy in gawking at his muscles and well toned that were now visible through his tight fitting white shirt. He had taken off his coat and was carrying it on his arms.

"I will go and get fresh ." saying this he went up to his room.

Meanwhile I wondered what was wrong with me? Why was I getting so interested in his muscles ?

"Its too late to cook now. I will order something for dinner ."Jared said coming to the living down.

He had changed into casuals. He was wearing a simple V- neck shirt and hung loosely around his body and a track pants. I decided not to comment on his good looks mentally.

"I have prepared dinner , Jared. I mean you can eat that if you want."

"You cooked for us?"


"Nothing. What have you made?"

"Scrambled eggs and fried bacons."

"People usually have it for breakfast but its o.k. Let us have it ."

After dinner we both headed upstairs together. I was silently debating whether to ask him to let me sleep in his room or not. After all, I had become more paranoid after spending the evening alone in this haunted place.

"Are you over your fears of sleeping alone ?" Jared asked me .

"I don't know. May be."

"Its obvious, you are not. That means you will sleep with me."

"No, I will manage tonight. Thanks though."

"I did not ask whether you will sleep with me or not. I told you ."

"Jared, really I can...."

He cut me off in between.

"Don't argue. I don't want you to disturb my sleep again."

I agreed then. Secretly, I was relived that he let me sleep in his room again.

I arranged a pillow and comforter on the couch. I had to sleep on the couch. There was no way I would sleep on the bed again. That would be so embarrassing. It might even seem desperate to him.

"You will sleep on the bed."

"No. I can't. I will be fine here."

"You won't. Come on, you already slept once. What is the big issue if u sleeps here again?"

"It was wrong on my part to do that."

"Stop thinking so much. It's not like we will do anything but sleep. Ok."

I felt my cheeks getting warm which meant they were red too. I looked at Jared. He was looking at me with a smirk. Good, now he knew how easily I blushed. 

"Jared , please."

"Come on Mel."

Yeah , right . That did it. My stupid heart again started beating faster than usual when he called me Mel and the words "Ok.Fine." came out of my mouth without any efforts from me. Mel? God, what was wrong? So many people called me Mel. Why did I go nuts hearing it from him?

I carried my pillow and comforter and kept them on his bed. I lied down as far as possible from him.

He switched off the lights. I felt his movement on the bed when he lied down.

"Good night."

"Good night."

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