Season 1: Signs Of Him

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A young boy with a Black-blue stripped Hoodie walks out from a small house, he has an ax in his back. White letters floating above him. it says "HDDuar". "the rain supposed to stop this morning," He said. "okay, another rainy day wouldn't stop me from collecting wood". he walks in beneath the forest and disappeared. 

HDDuar starts to collect oak wood. the sky still raining, but  HD keeps walking to the forest deeper. after walking a while HD seen a cloud of smoke in the middle of the forest.

 "is that a fire, oh my gosh. if it's a fire, the forest will perish" HD said, running to the source of the smoke.

 if it's a fire, the forest will perish" HD said, running to the source of the smoke

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after walking for a while. The rain has stopped. HD found a big mansion in the middle of the forest, it's different from the usual mansion. there is an Animal pen, a Farming area, and also a storage room. the smoke coming from the Chimney. 

"I don't remember this house before, I think this house isn't here before," He said.

HDDuar walking around the house suspiciously. "I've traveled this area many times, but I didn't see this before," He said.

in the open field, HDDuar sees someone standing there, speaking by himself, his character looks similar. HD pulls out two iron swords for guards. he walking behind that people quietly. after feeling close to jumping. HD prepared his sneak behind it. 

Suddenly, a pack of wooden oak pillars shows out from the ground. Punching HD to the sky Hd tries to land perfectly "He's a mediavalist (mediavalist people were allowed to summon pillars, walls, door, stair, and roof using the block in their inventory. as long as they have a block. they could fight)?" HDDuar said shockingly

"who sneaking behind me?" that people said. 

"His voice sounds similar to me," HD said. he looks at the people's faces and is shocked.

"You're Mythical sausage?" HD asks. "yeah I am the mythical sausage, who are you how could you come to my house? this is a private world" he answered. "I am a mediavalist too, just like you" HD answers back. "oh, sorry. how could you come here," asked Mythical.

HD tells Myth that if he lives not far from here, he saw myth house. "I also don't have any idea, but it seems like our world become a server" HD explains. "well then, welcome to my house HD," said Mythical friendly. "my friend will excited to see you, they were your fans," HD said. 


1 Month later

far from there. many people suddenly met each other in a private world. The hypixel people start seeing an island with a harbor on it on the sea Horizon. The hermits also met many serverest around their base, far away from there herobrine says "It's the time"

"The time for what?" Dreadlord asks. "the time to begins our Revolution" Herobrine Answer.

Herobrine swings his hand up and said "my drowned undead army, the time has come. The time where we will conquer the world one more time. now, help your master to reach it, rise and serves him" 

in the underwater, a pack of sunken ships rumbling, thousands of dead body swims to the sea surface and climb the sunken ship, slowly floating in the water with hundreds of undead drowned above it. 

"Listen to me my army, our target is Hypixel bay, destroy that place and report to me. and we will reclaim our VICTORY!!!" Herobrine Command. 

Hundreds of ships slowly sail away from the Brine island towards the Hypixel bay. Meanwhile, The Hypixel Leader sense something in the sea, on of the maid ask him "what's wrong my lord?" "Nothing, I just feel something not right" he answered.


An altar standing strongly on an island above Hypixel bay. that altar has a big tower on it, with the letter H. A beacon Gushing from the tower roof.  down the tower there is a big room with a round roof,  there is a big room with hundreds of people. a few guarders standing in the watchtower, and doors.

"you better hurry up to attend the Mediavalist and PVP meeting my lord, I can hear them start fighting"

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"you better hurry up to attend the Mediavalist and PVP meeting my lord, I can hear them start fighting". The maid said. Hypixel leader out from his room and steps to the down floor to attend the meeting. down there, Mediavalist were arguments with PVP. 

fWhip, one of the elders of mediavalist (there are 3 elder from mediavalist, Mythical Sausage, GeminiTay, fWhip) are sitting on a Throne, he looking languid, he rested his head against one of his hand. 

On the PVP side, the Dream family sits on their throne, their eyes are sharp-looking.

"your people fighting in our land!!!" said a mediavalist

"cause you guys build in our territory," said a PVP

the argument keep continues until one of The PVP pulls out a sword. "we are here to make peace, not to make another conflict, what will your Grandchild said when they see their grandfather fighting each other just because "builds and destroy" problem?" said Hypixel leader.

"Why do we need peace when this mediavalist couldn't understand what is Peace are?" said a PVP

"we understand what is PEAS are!!! At least we are not barbarian!" said a Mediavalist

on the top floor, HDDuar is talking with his friend. "*sigh* I am bored with all of this trouble, can't we just get along?" he said. His friend MasterBuilder says "as long as their heart refuses to accept each Technique, there will always be a schism between us" he said. MasterBuilder is Mythical sausage successor. 

"I agree, my people only know that if violence who could solve a problem," said another HD friend, The War Craft.

HDDuar and his friends, MasterBuilder, RushBoy .exe, AdornedBoat7519, and Talon were chosen to become the bodyguard for lord fWhip at today's meeting.

HDDuar friend, The war craft, and AQua Craft were a PVP's people. they were dream family private bodyguard

between those arguments, a maid set into the altar "my lord, there is something you have to see"

"What is that?" ASk Hypixel lord. He follows his maid to the Harbour Fortress. stepping to the edge of the dock. one of the serverest armies give him a telescope. Hypixel lord using the telescope sees something On the sea horizon. tens of warship coming towards the dock very quickly. The serverest armies standing behind their lord waiting for a command. 

And that's it. the herobrine army was showing their fang, will hypixel survive? what will the mediavalist and PVP do? read the next part to know it... BYE.........

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