Special chapter: HD's past 2

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this is HD's POV

Author's note: This chapter took time at the "Player wars," Between Builders and PvP. at this time, small race such as Traveler and Survivalist is affected by the war. which ended with lots of them Migrates to the Builders Country and joins their side in the war.

This is the 7th day after the Mediavalist "Rescued," me from my Village. there are 763 other Survivalist like me. most of them are from the countryside. even though people know us as "Survivor,". our country is really small, which makes  it easy to get Raided.

I haven't meet the other member of "Diamond guards," Or whatever they calls it. back then, I was watching the Mediavalist armies. they are preparing to attack the PvP village.

All of sudden, Lord Myth calls me. I follows him to a 10 x 10 room. there are 3 other Survivalist. One of them seems to have the same age as me, he is reading a book. the other one seems to be younger than me, he holds a bow.

The last one looks 1 year older than me. he holds a staff and running around the room, chasing the kid with bow. "Attention!" Lord Myth shouts. 3 of them stops and stand in the middle of the room.

"This is the other member of the guards," Lord Myth said.

"This is Rush," Lord Myth said as he points to the kid with Staff.

"That's Talon," Lord Myth said, pointing the kid with Bow.

"And this is Adorn," Lord Myth said, pointing the last Kid.

"They will be your partners. I wish you all can get along, if there is anything you want to asks, just Call Master Builder. he is on third floor," Lord Myth said as he leaves.

"Hey! Myth said you're name is HD. fellow Survivalist huh? My name's Rush, nice to meet you," Rush said as he tries to shake my hand. I quickly dodge it and pushes his hand away. 

"Don't touch me," I said.

"What's the matter? Come on dude, I am trying to get along," Rush replies as he tries to shake my hand again.

"I said Don't touch me," I said, a little shouting so he can hear me.

"If he doesn't want it, don't force him. You'll just disturbs him," Adorn adds as he sits back and read a book.

"shut up nerd," I replies on him as I move Rush's hand away.

"Listen guys, Lord Myth saved us from our village. he wants us to guards his Successor, if he know we are against each other, he could've just thrown us away!" Talon warns us.

I am feeling anger pouring arounds me. Being saved by a mediavalist is bad enough. now I have to work with them!? A nerd, a crybaby, and a Noisy kid! I run towards Talon and Strangles him.

"My Life is ruined the moment the war happened!! This is the Mediavalist and the PvP's fault! I lost my Family! My Homeland! Everything! Being saved by a mediavalist is bad enough!" I shouts to him

Rush Approaches us and hold my hand.

"Let him go," He warns.

I take my wooden sword and punch Rush. Adorn jump from the chair and hold my neck. Rush gets up and help Talon. I stand and hit my Back to the walls making Adorn falls of. I take my wooden sword and running towards Rush and Talon. 

Rush takes his staff and Tries to hit me. I duck and hit his legs, he fells to the ground. I swings my sword towards Talon. the moment my sword almost reaches him, Master Builder appears and hold my sword.

"Master, what are you doing here!?" Adorn said as he gets up.

"I just heard a noise from down here, so I get here to check up," Master said.

the 3 other kid stands up and bows to him. Master Builder looks at me, and hands his hand.

"Don't lay there, it's dirty," He said to me.

I take his hand and stands up. 

"You're HD right? we've met before, I am Master Builder," He said as he shakes my hand.

"Wanna come with me to the Balcony?" He asks.

"Sure," I answer. I follows him just because what Talon said earlier.

"You guys can dismiss now," Master Builder said to the other as he walk upstairs. the other 3 leaves Immediately. I follows him to the balcony, seeing the few of Hundreds of Mediavalist preparing to Attack the PvP on the south.

"this war sure caused a lot of trouble huh?" Master said. I nods

"Do you know what caused this war?" He asks. 

"From what I've known, It's because the Builders accidently builds a field on PvP border," I answer. the news already spread on my Camp soon as the war begins.

"People could kill each other just because simple things," He said as he look up.

"you're one of the victims right? I heard that your village is Raided by PvP supply armies," Master said.

"Yes, My parents killed," I replies.

"But, no matter how cruel the people are. there is kindness in their heart, that's a thing that I believe from a long time," Master said.

The words shock me. it reminds me of what my father said back when I was 6 years old.

"But Remember HD, no matter how cruel people acts. there will always kindness in their heart, never forget that,"

"I don't want to fight," Master continues.

"Why? aren't you the Myth's Successor?" I asks.

"If we fight the PvP, and murders their family, they'll revenge on us, which will cause eternal revenge-chain. by Murdering, we make them hates us and attacks us back in order to revenge, It will never stopped," Master answers.

"I just wishing there would be a time, where we can finally live on peace, without hatred," Master adds.

One more time, he reminds me of my father's word.

"If only we can live in peace, without hatred among us all,"

"What makes you think so?" I suddenly asks.

"Hatred were a thing that cannot be wiped out," I explains.

"but we never know if we never tried are we?" Master adds.

"You'll never know if you never try,"

I sigh, and speaks, "you're not completely wrong," I said as I lean on the walls.

"I guess I just get a little overwhelmed back then," I said

"I was depressed after my Camp raided. as soon after The Mediavalist saved me, I am afraid that Mediavalist will enslave me, and send me to war," I explains.

"If we really into that, you must've been standing there the whole time," Master points the Mediavalist armies, marching outside Metheora.

After that conversation, I become more freindly to the others. were chatting a lot whenever break time. We played cards, tossing sword, archery. Lord Myth also teaches us the basics of Mediaval, summoning Wooden from the ground, turning dirt into stones, and Other.

We have lots of Joy, whenever Master leaves Metheora, we'll always Follows him. I feel that I have finally found the warmth of Family around me. 

then One day, Lord Myth asks us to accompany him on a meeting between Mediavalist, PvP, and Hypixel's serverest

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