Season 2: Into the Battlefield

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The deep dark biome, Herobrine's base. Under mountain Evora

in a very dark room. Herobrine sits above a throne. behind him, 303, Lick, a glitched figure, and a man with Corrupted Iron armor. Null is kneeling in front of him. "Even after he's died, Dreadlord fulfills his duty by destroying the whole TnT. and you? only kill a human and leaving the others!"

Herobrine shouts. he uses his power and destroys half of Null's face. "Maybe I should've never revived you from Dark Corner," he said again. "Null, I want you to kill the Enchanter holder whatever the way. and tell Green, Red, and Blue to defend our plains," herobrine half-whisper to Null. Null leaves the room immediately.

"As for the rest of you, find the "Whites" and the "Frost" and bring them to me,"


2 weeks have passed since Bdubs's gone. 

HD sits in front of one of the building's windows in Miriana. The WarCraft enters the room and greets him. "Hi! HD, I uh... so sorry for what happens to Bdubs,"

HD doesn't reply. he holds an H letter in his hand. 

"here, Myth are gonna send me, Aqua, and Night into that battle near Evora. Hope I don't die, and we will eat a cake to congrats our victory. alright?" 

"It's good to know you, The WarCraft," HD said.

The WarCraft leaves the room. AquaCraft, Rush, DeadlyHunter, and TreasureBoy is waiting outside the room. "So? what'd he said?" Rush asks. "he still traumatized. he lost every person near him. Rush, you go watch HD and make sure he doesn't suicide," The WarCraft said.

"Aqua, let's go," he said again as Aqua follows him.

outside Miriana health Ministry. hundreds of people from 4 land have awaited them. Myth standing in the door side and said, "remember, our priority is just to take back the plain's village, and makes it one of our outpost," 

"Don't worry, I'll remember that," The WarCraft said.

Author's note: people from the 4 land are the origins. or, so-called, 'race'. from the white iron, their armies are people with white eyes or Briner. they could control the wind.

and from the Netherrack valleys. Their race is Netherrans. the blaze born. they could control their fire. their skins are made of netherrack. and they could control fires.

From the ancient pharaoh. their race is the mummy. they can control stone and sand. making them strong in an open field.

and the last. Draun Kingdom. their races are merlins. which makes them could control water.

"Promise me you'll be back in full pieces," Vania said to NightD. "I will, and until then. don't leave Miriana. you're still injured," Night said. "Night! come here!" Aqua calls him. he hugs Vania and said goodbye to her. the Miriana medics take her inside.

"So, where are we gonna going?" Night asks. "Myth told me that the Undead armies led by the trio steve. have conquered and taken over the Iron Plains. we need to go there and take it back," The WarCraft explains.

"Why do even we need Plains!? we have tons of plains around the world!" Night said. "That 'All around plains' is the source of the iron ore. we will need them for supplies," The WarCraft said.

Night Looks shocked. "How could the undead become so smart at calculating which plains who consist Iron in it?" Night asks. "It seems that Herobrine has manipulated their mind," Aqua said.

finally, they reached the Iron Plains. the Undeads armies led by Red, Green, and Blue are already waiting for them. "here we go, our first war,"

all Alliance armies have marched across the plains. On the other side, the Undead have waited for them. "What is our plan?" Night asks. "Just follow me and we'll win," The WarCraft said.

one of the Netherrans shot an arrow to the battlefield. the Undead swarms start to running to them. they screaming loudly. "What is your plan? we're gonna die if we stayed here," Night said.

"Wait for it,"

the undead becomes closer and closer.

"Sir, we need to take action," Aqua replied.

"Gunner!" The WarCraft said. a few netherrans, armed with cobble guns walk to the front line and reload their gun. when the undead steps the arrow, The WarCraft commands them to shot. 

the Undead fall to the ground as hundreds of Cobblestone hit their body. The WarCraft raises his sword and tells his Armies to attack. 1000 armies of Origins invade the plains and attack the undead.

the armies clash in the middle of the plains. even after Alliance armies using origins as armies,  the Undead are still WAY stronger than them. suddenly, a fireball explodes in the middle of the battlefield and kills tens of origins.

3 figure appears in the crater. and revealed as, the Green, Red, and Blue Steve. the 3 leaders of Alliance quickly running towards them. 

Night Attack Red Steve in anger because she attacks Vania in the past. The WarCraft slashes his sword to Green because he is the strongest. and Aqua attack Blue steve because both of them using the same aura, Drowned aura

after a very fierce fight, none of them win against the 3 lords. Night's movement is too predictable for Red, The WarCraft movement is too slow compared to Green's boulder, and Aqua drowned aura isn't at the same level as Blue's.

the boulder hits the ground and ejects The WarCraft away. he always tries to deflect or avoid it, but it's too fast. the origins number has already increased. seeing this, The WarCraft tries to figure away.

He quickly runs to Blue and Aqua's place. he cuts one of blue's hands and shocks him. Blue shots water needle, but The WarCraft destroys it because it's too thin. Blue chases The WarCraft and leaves Aqua. 

Aqua tries to Attack Green, but Green throws his boulder and hits him. the ground turned into a hard rock. and stabs his body. he uses Drowned aura to pushes him away.

he quickly runs to NightD, He shoots 7 water spears at Red's body. and injured him. red shots hundreds of Fireball that he could deflect. but, a few of it's hit his body and burned him. he leaves NightD alone with Green.

Green throws his boulder to Night. but suddenly, he moved behind him and slashes his back. Green's move seems too slow for NightD. NightD makes it to cuts and slashes him many times.


The WarCraft send Pharaoh origins to help him fight the Blue Steve. they make the sands float and trapped him inside them. he tries to escape, but his body is 25% sand now, which makes him slower.

NightD calls the Briner and Netherrans to help him fight Green, every time Green shots rock, netherrans will burn it. and when he throws his boulder, the briner will blow it away.

Aqua calls the Merlin to cool Red's body, he becomes slower every time the waters hit him. he tries to burn them, but the Water is spreading around and chill his body.

3 of them telepathy and tell that they can't win this battle, if they retreat, Herobrine will kill them all. finally, they conclude with Joins. other explosions happened, and the 3 lords disappear as a new figure appears, he reveals himself as, Unison. the strongest of Steve Entities

There we go! another new chapter of HR! hope you like it! will Night survives!? Read the next chapter to discover it! see ya' next time!

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