Season 2: Secret Power

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Author's note: this story happens when Glacierford is attacked.

Myth sends HD, Adorn, Talon, and Rush to send messages to the White Iron Kingdom. No one talk during the mission it seems they are still shocked by the Master's death. "How far again?" Talon opens the conversation. "We just need to pass that Taiga jungle, and then we'll see it," Adorn said.

"Is this the right jungle?" Rush asks. "Seems so," Adorn said. the jungle looks so gloomy, no signs of living things around there. "Let's just head-on, and we can see Master's graveyard then," HD said as he enters the forest first.

they walk in the forest, leaving the plains biome, and enter the taiga. "Don't you feel someone or something is watching us?" Talon asks. "I don't see anything around here," Rush said. HD doesn't speak a lot after the Master's death. so, his friends prefer to not talking about it.

behind them, a Taiga Undead is watching them moving

Explanation: Taiga Undead looks like a Monkey. with 4 hands, they can hanging on branches and leaves around them. 

They've walked for 30 minutes and haven't found anything. suddenly, Rush hear someone. "Did you guys hear that?" he asks. "I don't hear anything," Talon said. Rush hears a girl sound. then, he unmounts his horse and goes to the sound sources. "What is it now?" HD said.

"Guys... you have to see this!!" Rush screams. Adorn and Talon unmount their horse and go to Rush. they found a wounded girl, her body is wrapped in hanging roots. "Is she alive?" Talon said. Adorn notices something and said, "Guys, we gotta get out of here," 

three of them look up and find hundreds of Taiga undead hanging and prepare to catch them, "Don't make a noise, I think they're asleep," Talon helps the girl out and gives her to Rush. "Let's go," Adorn said. 

"Who is that?" HD asks as Rush puts the girl on his horse. "she's wounded, there are undead around here," Adorn explains. they ride their horse with all haste to the White Iron kingdom. Suddenly, Talon's horse slipped from the road and make a rumbling noise.

the Undeads awake and running to them. "Oh no! Leave the horse here and just run!" Adorn said. "Can we fight them!?" Rush said as he lifts the girl in his back. "There's too many of them, we won't make it!" HD said.

one of the undead tries to reaches Adorn but stopped by Talon. HD slashes apart one of the Undead. Talon tries to slow down the Undead by shooting them with his bow. "I think we're gonna make it," Rush said. 

Suddenly, Talon slipped and fall to the ground, making the undead closer to him. he tries to stand, but too late. the undead reaches him and tearing him apart, the blood sprayed and make everything around there change to red. Talon is screaming helplessly. HD, Adorn, and Rush's eyes glare as they see another one of their Friend die.

"Is... Talon... Just... Die?" HD thinks. he drops his sword and weeps. Adorn sits on the ground and sobs. "No, No...". Without their knowing, One of the undead is running towards HD. HD doesn't notice it and still standing. 

Adorn pushes HD away right before the Undead bites HD's head. Adorn falls to the ground as the beast bites his hand. "Adorn!!" HD screams. "Go!! Send the message first!" Adorn said. HD takes his sword. 

"If we run, the undead will notice us and chase us. Rush can't run as fast as usual. so, It depends on me," HD thinks. "Rush! Go away! I'll stall them!" HD said as he draws his sword. "You can't fight!" Rush said. 

"If I die now, I won't die in vain. I'll meet Adorn, Talon, and Master too," HD said as he sobs his eyes. Rush cries and leaves his last friend with the Undead. he knows that he still has a job to do. 

"Is this how I'll die? How pathetic," HD said. "Maybe I shouldn't fight this undead," He said again.

the Undead become closer to him. he looks at Rush for the first time, before one of the undead catches him and kills him.


Rush still running from 7 remaining Undead that still chases him. "AAAH!! Why don't they just leave me!?" Rush said. he slipped to the ground, the Undead stop running and walk slowly to him. "Dammit! I just got my legs broken," Rush mumbles. One of the undead jump and tries to eat Rush but is stopped by Rush's Spear.

the other walk slowly closer and watch Rush with a full appetite. when one of them tries to kill Rush, a bullet is shot straight to the Undead's head and kills it. A figure appears, he has a shotgun in his hand. "Are you okay?" He asks. Rush nods as he shocked by what just happened.

Suddenly, 7 more people jumping from the cliff behind Rush and slays the remaining Undead. another Taiga undead shows up. but, his body is ten times bigger than the other. The Undead jumps and tries to kill Rush's live savior. "Guys... One of them is coming!" Rush screams.

Suddenly, a guy jumps from a tree and cuts the Undead's head. his sword color is Rainbow, like Hurrey's. "Hey there! Are you okay!?" the guy asks. Rush nods, "Great! Is there are no more survivors?" He asks again. Rush shakes his head. Thatbguys keep showing his Bright smiles. "Okay then! GM, Gizan, Rafel, and Neil, You guys take him from here. Alwi, Kaguma, Samsul, and Rama, secure this area Immediately!" the guy says again.

Rush recognized something on the guy's Chestplate, It has an "H" on it. And he knows, only one organization who has an "H" on it, Hermits. "are you... Hermits?" Rush asks. "Yeah! I am BdoubleO100! The Dream Hermits, You can call me Bdubs. the guys before is my students, the BK" Bdubs said as he helps Rush stands.

Suddenly, There's an Explosion sound. the wind become really hard. "What is that sound!?" Bdubs said. 

"Sir! there's an Explosion from the west! You gotta see this!" Rafel said. Bdubs nods and follows Rafel. Rush follows him behind him.

The BK found HD standing in the center of Undead's Corpses. Rush drops the girl that he carries before and goes to HD. "HE'S ALIVE!!!!" Rush screams. "Rafel, Neil! Take both of them to Master," Bdubs said. "Wait, Wait, Wait. what are you guys doing!? Let me go!" Rush said as Alwi, Kaguma, and Samsul take him away. 

There we go! Another chapter of Season 2! Sorry for making you guys worry. but HD is still alive. at least, for now.

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