Season 2: FrostBourne

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The undeads are flooding the street, Rain zombie is laying in the ravine. Abigail's corpse is already rotten, with no signs of survivor there.

Suddenly, from the front gate, 3 horsemen strike in and kill the undead. They pass the undead and heading straight to the ravine where Abigail and Rain are killed. "Daryll, cover me! Erick, stay here!" the first guy said. the guy named Daryll jump from his horse and shot 3 undead, the other guy named Erick stands on his horse and slash 3 other Zombie.  

"Remember, we have to choose one of the undead to cure!" the last guy yelled before his friend unable to see him. "Okay, let's stall them," Daryll said as he reloads his gun. Erick runs and cuts 2 zombies' heads. Daryll shot more and yells to Erick, "Don't go too far! stay close to me!" 

the last guy hops from his horse and stabs 5 zombies on his way. he jumps to the Ravine and looks for survivors. "I think no one survives this," he thinks. he prepares to climb again until an Undead approach, he is Rain. one of the eyes is still blue, even when the other one is already corrupted.

the guy thinks to take that one because it's different. when the unique undead attack, the guy throws a potion of weakness at him. Rain is paralyzed and stops moving. "I think I'll take you," that guy said. 

he jumps over the ravine and mounts his horse, he catches up with his friend. "I got one, I think he is special," he said to Daryll. "Ser Patrick, this village has no chance of surviving, we need to run now!" Daryll said to the guy named Patrick.

"I take one that I think unique, one of his eyes is still human' eyes," Patrick said to Daryll. Erick arrives there and looks at Rain. "That's our package," Daryll explains. Erick nods and mounts his horse. three of them ride their horse with all haste to the South.

they walk really far. passing one biome, by one biome. after walks for days, they finally arrive in their homeland. the FrostBourne, people there look busy, creating weapons, selling food, and all other stuff. they enter a big castle in the middle of the Kingdom. 

a young woman welcomes them, "So? How's the mission?" she asks. "Not much, only battling Undead, taking one of them, and return," Daryll said as he walks passing her. "Azura, I take one of the undead as you said. but, there is something different from him," Patrick said to the woman named Azura as he shows Rain. Azura looks shocked

"Take him to the roof, I'll see what can I do with him," Azura said. Patrick, accompanied by Erick, take Rain to the roof and place him in a bed. 

there, Azura puts a lot of Command blocks, and a golden apple is placed in a beacon. she turns up the command block and makes a command chain reaction to the paralyzed Rain zombies, plus with the Golden apple, Rain's body slowly cured of the infection and become normal. however, the golden apple Disappear from the machine.

Rain awake from his long sleep. but, Azura, Erick, and Patrick look shocked as they see one of Rain's eyes remaining Red. "Who-Who are you!?" Rain said. "We are the FrostBourne," Ser Patrick said. "And you're one of us," Erick said. "Where's my other friend!? Did you find a girl out there!?" Rain asks. 

Explanation: The Frostbournes are one of the last surviving bastions of humanity, and are said to be composed of refugees of the War and bandits; the leader of the Frostbourne is given the title of Grandmaster, of which the current grandmaster is Ser Patrick. Their homelands are the snow biomes, hence their name and their symbolic design theirs. They reside in the massive walled city of the Dreadfort. The army was apparently there before the Undead reign, under the leadership of.

Although their army is quite impressive, the Nether Horde appears to have more soldiers and troops at their disposal. However, their aerial superiority over the factions is quite undoubtedly present, ranging from their extensive fleet of mighty to the specialized military division of the. Their military also includes the Bandits, led by Daryll, who are useful in raids and sabotaging the enemy's supply lines to cut down their resources, and the Footsoldiers, led by Hilda, which are the Frostbourne's fierce infantry.

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