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As Aurora arose to consciousness, her first thoughts were foggy.

Her eyes blinked once, twice, and thrice.

The room around her seemed foreign, she managed to get off the floor and caught a glimpse of herself in a glass.

She couldn't believe it.

After all the trouble she had gone through, she was finally back in her own body, even though where she was standing was unrecognizable.

Where am I? Where's Mia, was she at the store? Those were her first thoughts as she tried to grasp what's changed in the apartment.

She slowly took her first step around,

She found a newspaper on the table, dated 2020, that's when she realized how long it's been since she left, she's been away for 2 years...

Aurora is shocked.

It had felt like months.

Although she was grateful to be back in her own time, it didn't stop her from missing Jack and the world she left behind.

Soon her eyes began to water.

She made her first step out of the door, inhaling the fresh air.

The sight of cars was another thing she was grateful for, that and civilization.

The skylines and buildings were the same, yet not, but were improved with age.

Just as she began to walk a car pulled over in front of her, she watched someone get down and once she got a proper glimpse at the person, her eyes grew wide in panic.


He chuckled and starts walking towards her,

Aurora exclaimed and ran inside in fear, locking him out,

"Sarah, what the hell?! Open the door."

"How are you here?" Aurora yelled back.

"I live here, open the door."

"H-how did you find me?" Aurora was confused, had Jonathan traveled through the stones to capture her? No... In fear of what might happen if he got a hold of her, she pulled herself through and tried to find another route out,

She spurred into the kitchen and noticed a backdoor,

She hurried and opened it, luckily it was, she got out and spurred out on the road, where she quickly pulled up a taxi to their apartment.

Hoping Mia hadn't moved out over the years.

She got out of the taxi as they arrived and approached the front door, her eyes glimpsing at how familiar and foreign everything felt.

"Hey, lady. Where's my money?" The driver yelled at her.

Aurora yelped and knocked on the door, she couldn't curtail her excitement, the thought of seeing Mia again after so long, a moment she's dreamt and longed for.

The door abruptly opens, revealing Mia.

"MIA?" Aurora dashes to hug her but Mia stops her.

She looked upset to see Aurora,

"Who are you?"

"What, Mia it's me, Aurora." Aurora is alarmed.

Mia laughs.

"Oh really, what changed, huh? Just a few years ago you acted like I didn't exist, you said I was mistaken about you, that you are not my sister, you also said your name was Sarah, that you've never met me before... So what's changed? Why do I suddenly matter to you?"

"You mean Sarah said all that to you."

"What, what's wrong with you?! You know what, I don't care anymore, just leave. I've done a fine job without you for all these years, I don't need you, you can go on pretending to be someone else." Mia tries to shut the door but Aurora held it.

"Listen to me, and I know how crazy this might sound but, that wasn't me."


"I don't know how to explain this to you but this whole time I've been in a different world, Sarah was lost in my body and I was in hers, I was trapped."

Mia stared at her in amusement.

"Wow. All those books you've been reading are really messing with your head, you should get your senses checked."


"Just go away, Aurora." Mia slams the door leaving Aurora dumbstruck.

Aurora Where stories live. Discover now