Chapter 3

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Aurora slowly opened her eyes sometime later to see blurry figures peering at her. It took a second for her eyes to grasp the figures properly and once it did she jounced awake. Fear and terror plain in her eyes as she gazed at the strange creatures in her dream, staring at her,

"How, w-what!?" She stuttered,

"What's wrong with her?" Mary's mother, Suzan asked the hired physician.

"Are you feeling all right dear?" The physician asked. Confusion and fear found her, she couldn't understand what was going on, how's she still dreams? She shuts her eyes and moved her hand up to pinch her arm, a way to wake herself up from her dreams, but nothing, no magical transformation where she awakes back home happened, nothing but a nip pain in her arm

Fear clunked her insides as she stared at the strange creatures with terrified eyes, how's this happening?

"Did something happen in the woods?" The physician asked again and Aurora's eyes shot up to him,

Yes! the woods

"The black book, and the dark tunnel, Rainbows.″ She rambled. Her voice becoming thin and distant,

They stared at her confused.

"That's it mother, She's finally lost it." Mary chirped in nonchalantly from behind and Suzan spanked her shoulders hard, causing her to wince, before turning to the physician,

"What do you think is wrong with her?" She asked the physician, and he turned, observing Aurora who was curled at the corner of the bed, mumbling things to herself.

"I think it's time we consider other options." He said after observing her for a while, "What other option?" Suzan asked, and he moved her to the side, before whispering, "The priest."

Suzan eyes widened,

"You think she's possessed?" She whispered in shock, "how else do we explain this strange behavior?" They turned back to look at her and Aurora immediately jerked to her feet, causing them to hurtle into hiding and the physician sprinting out of the door.

She knew she wasn't crazy, there had to be a good, reasonable explanation to why all this is happening, or how she ended up in this dreamlike world,


"I'm not Sarah." She yelled out her lungs, causing Mary and Susan to hurtle further into hiding. Swiftly her eyes turned towards her reflection in the mirror and a wild horror spread through her skin, paralyzing her body to move,

Reflecting at her was a strange face other than her own, with warm chestnut color hair and velvety cream skin,

"My face-" She lost her breath, gasping like there was not enough oxygen in the air, "What have you done to my face?" She shuddered, screaming.

"Go call the priest..." The mother yelled at Mary and she quickly ran out of the door, "calm down Sarah.."

Aurora stopped pacing frantically and pulled herself together, "I need to get out of here." She mumbled and made her way towards the door, "Sarah, where do you think you are going?" Suzan said running in front of her.

"My name is not Sarah, it's Aurora." She hurled at her, "Now get out of my way, I need to get home."

"What nonsense are you blabbing about Sarah, what home?" Aurora swerved to the other side and made her way towards the door, "Sarah if you step out of that door, don't even bother showing your face here again." Suzan threatened,

Aurora didn't even give it a second thought before stepping out of the door, she had no reason to feel guilty for leaving; she was not who they thought she was; she was not Sarah.

She had to find answers, most importantly she had to find her way back home, she couldn't even imagine how terrified Mia must be on finding her absence.

Aurora embraced herself and made her way down the narrow paths she had walked on with Mary,

Everywhere seemed deserted and empty, there wasn't a single soul or person passing by, adding more worries to Aurora's worries, she just had to find her way home and soon.

After an hour of endless walking the sky began to rumble and Aurora lifted her eyes up to the clouds to see it was grey and ominous and only the merest quantity of the fading sunlight was getting through.

She silently prayed that it wouldn't rain before she finds her way back home and barely a minute after she had that thought it began to storm and drizzle,

"Great!" she groaned, running and shielding her hair with her hands.

The storm was followed by attacks of lightening and bursting; she wasn't at all scared or fazed by it. She just continued her journey on finding her way.

Suddenly, the storm smothered the sun, dimming the world around her, and beat by beat drops of rain battered against her skin and tangled her hair into a mess, amidst all the trouble she continued walking

Until, she spurred out to an end road, looking to the side she immediately spotted what resembled an abandoned house, it stood in a composed way, as if it had chosen solitude for itself,

She ran towards it and climbed her way up the old creaky porch, unvarnished and slippery with the rain. She took her eyes around; the house looked decrepit like it was falling apart; the walls were covered with green algae, the doors and windows which were incrusted with lichen were of oak.

She braced herself together, before knocking. She didn't know what to expect of an old abandoned house, but she knew she couldn't go back in the heavy rain and probably die of cold.

On getting no reply, she pushed the door a little, expecting it to open, but it doesn't.

The rain continued to fall in its crazy chaotic drops and cold gnawed her insides like rime daggers, having her hitting and forcing the door and unexpectedly it squeaked open on its own.

She swallowed hard, before slowly making her way in,



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