Chapter 5

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Aurora watched hysterically as the figure slowly released its hold on her lips, "Stay here." He whispered and pushed itself up from her, while scanning the area for the beast and once there was no sign, he turned back to her.

"He's gone." He said, extending his hand to her. Aurora took his cold, rough hand, and he lifted her to her feet, "You know, It's not safe for you to be out here on your own Sarah." He said calmly.

Little by little she became able to grasp the figure in the dark. He was tall and broad, his face covered in a black strip of cloth that covered everywhere but a small portion of his eyes,

"Go home." He said and stalked over to the door.

Aurora quickly ran after him.

He might finally be her way out, her ticket back home. She became suddenly hopeful at the thought,

"I'm not Sarah, my name is Aurora Lawton and I am from New York, Manhattan precisely." she uttered, while trying to keep up with him, he seemed to be in a hurry.

"I don't have time for your games." He said prancing towards another door, she followed him into what resembled a storage barn, littered with rusty barrels and all kinds of foodstuffs one could think of, she stood and watched as he packed up a large amount of food into a sack, as if preparing himself for a long journey.

"Is this your home?" She asked curiously.

He Ignored her and threw the sack on his back, stalking over to the door, "Tell me your name at least, I want to know who to thank for saving me from the beast." She trailed, fastening her steps to catch up with him.

"Go home Sarah-" He snarled, getting irritated with her strange questions.

"Look, I don't want to be here as much as you do, so just tell me the route to New York and I would be out of your air."

He suddenly halts on his tracks and turns to her,

"Did you hear that?"

"What?" She panicked, moving closer to him, scared that the wolf might have returned.

"That noise."

He said pointing towards the left; She listened for and heard the dreaded blood-chilling sound; it was like a low snarling of many voices.

"Burn the demon."

"Jack Scar!"

"Destroy the evil.."

The snarls grew louder and louder as they made their way to it.

Aurora trailed behind him and watched as he strode down the stairs and towards the raging noise which seemed to come from outside the walls,

He turned to look at her first, before turning around and opening the door,

A gasp escaped Aurora's lips as it revealed several angry mobs, they were armed with clubs, stones, sticks and so forth,

A few of them even held flourished swords and other sharp deadly weapons in their hands,

"We want the girl." A man amongst the crowd yelled.

"What superstitious nonsense, are y'all into now and which girl are you talking about?"

"We are here for Sarah, we heard a foreign Demon possessed her. We have enough, dealing with Gram at the late hours, we don't have to deal with a demon lurking around town and scaring us to death."

The man spoke up again and the rest of the crowd to chant in support. He seemed to be their leader, "Just give us the girl jack."

"What are you going to do, burn her on a stake like a pig?" Jack sneered, turning to Aurora, who was hiding behind the door petrified to move,

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