Chapter 4

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"Hello?" She called.

The door creaked slowly open, moving a centimeter at a time,

"Hello?" She called out again.

Her voice echoes invading the silence that hung like a cloak around the house.  Aside from her voice, the only sound she could hear was the sound of thunder and its flashes of lighting.

Spider webs brushed her face as she stepped deeper into the house and once inside, the door behind slammed hard on its own, Fear clung Aurora's inside like a plague, she could immediately tell that there was something unbelievably spooky about the house.

In front of her was a set of old, cracked stairs, she moved closer to it and slowly climbed up.

At the top of the stairs were two different hallways, one to the left and the other to the right. She took the one on the left and strode down the long hall,

Watching her back as she went.

She kept walking until she spotted a door, faded green, paint curling with age, the brass handle almost consumed by a thick network of cobwebs, reaching out, She swallowed hard and turned it.

the room was relatively dark and dreary, with heavy curtains covering all the windows, all the surface and antique furniture were gray and coated with a thick coat of dust and mold.

Cobwebs and small spiders sprawled to every corner of the room.

Old paintings yellowed with age hung on the walls. Around Pakistan rug was in the center of the room. And at the center of it was a table with a vase full of rotten red roses in it.

She walked through another door, where the windows were covered with darker curtains and to the side was a fireplace with some wood beside it,

Aurora was hoping to find a clue or map to where she was, but there was nothing of such, not even a book in sight.

She continued to move,

The specks of dust layered on the floor, muffled her footsteps as she walked, suddenly an unbearable smell of mildew and mold hung in the air, having her gasping and covering her mouth and nose.

She moved through the house, kicking up more dust until it was difficult to see through anything,

Amidst the relative darkness. She moved over to the fireplace, and tried to light it up, ′it must have been decades since a fire was lit in it for warmth', she thought as she set up the fireplace and once successful; she moved closer and cozied herself by the flame, the wood fire, blazed cheerily in the ample fireplace, illuminating her features in the dark and sending its warmth and light far out in the room and as the flames crackled,

She looked up and saw what resembled a crystallized chandelier but now blackened with rust, bringing sudden memories of home to her and for the first time, Aurora allowed herself do something she hasn't done in a while.

She cried,

And cried until she was dizzied and swept to a bliss oblivion

At the midnight hours, a loud howl from the other side of the room had Aurora jerking awake to her feet, She noticed the fire had kindled, and the room was now pitched black,

One could barely see anything.

The howling sound neared and Aurora's limbs froze and paralyzed in fear, perturbation quickly invading the room.

Not being able to walk, she crawled and dragged herself towards the edge of the room, gasping and choking. She crawled to the nearest wall and held tightly to her ragging and hitching breath.

She didn't know what it is she was hiding from, but from the howls, she could tell it was an animal or some wild beast.

Without warning, the door flew open with a loud crash and Aurora's screamed, her hands trembled and she jammed her fists into her mouth to stifle her screams.

She heard it coming, it's footsteps and howls like a threatening whisper. It didn't seem to come from a specific direction.

Aurora could hear her heart skipping rapidly against her chest as her breath came out in heavy pants and with both hands squeezing her mouth shut,

She tightly held her eyes together and ducked her head down to her knees, praying she makes it out alive.

Suddenly,  the wild howls became nearer and louder echoing off the rooftop. She removed her hands from her mouth and placed them over her ears to mute the agonizing sound that seemed to never stop.

Aurora didn't know how long she sat there, with her hands against her ears and her eyes lids tightly shut, but when she opened them, the room seemed to have brightened; she removed her hands from her ear and heard nothing,

She placed a hand above her heart, letting out a deep sigh of relief.

Thinking whatever was chasing her had gone.

slowly she crawled out of the corner and took her eyes around as she scanned the area, but there was still nothing.

Pushing herself up she scanned the area again, but nothing, taking a deep breath she scrambled herself out of hiding,

She had to find a way out of here.

She scrambles her way towards the door, but halts as she heard it,

the growl.

She froze on the spot, before slamming herself to the nearest corner, "Please...." She cried out in a whisper as fear crept and shivered its way up her spine.

Another raging howl riffled in the room and she began to suspect that whatever was out there was playing with her, taunting her mind.

There was a cold silence once more, all one could hear were the heavily panting of her heart against her chest, she did not move, scared that whatever was after her was still lurking around.

Suddenly and after some time had passed, she heard the faint sound of growls beside her.

Her limbs froze to almost concrete and not thinking, she began to turn her head to it, Until she was faced with the dark eyes of the monster that had come for her.

The Beast stood growling and glaring at her as if daring her to make a move.

Aurora covered her mouth with her hands to stifle her screams, she looked away from it, silent tears immediately brimming her eyes, like waterfalls.

She did not want to die, this couldn't possibly be the way her life finally ends.

Lost, alone and lonely.

The beast growled again, and she slowly took her eyes back to it and watched petrified as the beast moved its paws gradual towards her.

More tears flooded her eyes, knowing there was no way she was escaping this, she was going to die. She closed her eyes and prepared herself for it, prepared herself for the hit, 

Within a flash,

It came at her from behind and dragged her and she screamed, expecting to feel pain or death or anything but nothing came, Asides what felt like rough rusty hands against her lips. She then opened her eyes to see a shadow like figure with green eyes peering at her,

"Don't scream."


Chapter 5 is available on Inkitt, the link is on my bio, Thanks.

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