Chapter 18

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The wedding feast was held later that night, Every noble, scribe, vizier and blue blood attended, even gypsies, seductress and women of royal harem were summoned to sing, drink, dance and celebrate.

The whole room was one big mass of drunken delight and as the new bride she was seated on the right side of Jonathan, but as the incoherent buzz went on, she found herself going down memory lane.

"What's your dream wedding?" Mia asked as they laid back and stared up at the paper skylight on the room ceiling, "Would you have an indoor wedding or an outdoor wedding?" She asked again and Aurora smiled, picturing it for a moment.

"An outdoor wedding, a beach-themed wedding, with a very majestic deep ocean, an infinite blue sky and long golden sands. I want to be able to feel the warm breeze swirling around me and sending my hair into different directions as I let out my vows." She paused for a moment and Mia let out a gasp.

"You have quite an extraordinary imagination." She uttered and Aurora let out a laugh, "But I guess when you find the one it wouldn't matter what kind of wedding it is, all that would matter is being and spending the rest of your life with that one person." She said and Mia smiled, leaning her head on Aurora's shoulder,

"I wish that for you too, Aurora-"

Aurora felt a shake to her arm and suddenly she was awakened to the loud incoherent buzz in front of her,

"May I have this dance?" Jonathan got up to his feet, then bowing like a gentleman, he held out his hand to her.

The crowd went quiet and soon the musician switched the rhythm of the music to something melodic and slow.

Sighing, she accepted, and he swapped her off to the middle of the room, then placing her arms around his neck, he wrapped his arms around her waist and danced.

"People are whispering." He whispered in her ear, "You should put on a smile." He twirled her around and pulled her back to him again,

"I don't care." She spat, causing his grip to tighten around her waist,

"We had an agreement." he growled, "And as long as you behave Jack remains unharmed." he threatened, but Aurora said nothing in response, she was almost used to the constant threats.

Hours went by and Aurora felt exhausted from all the pleasantries from people coming to congratulate her on the wedding, telling her she was the luckiest woman in Lockwood, to be married to a wealthy man.

"I'm tired." She chirped in to Jonathan as he vulgarly cheered with his friends,

"Get some rest, My queen." He answered, and she wasted no time jumping to her feet, pushing her way past the people to her chambers.

Once at her doorstep, She threw herself in and immediately ripped herself of everything that reminded her of the night, before throwing herself on the floor in tears.

Once at her doorstep, She threw herself in and immediately ripped herself of everything that reminded her of the night, before throwing herself on the floor in tears

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She was still sprawled on the floor, when suddenly the door busted open, having her jumping up to her feet..

Jonathan walked into the room in a golden robe, "I was expecting you in my chambers." he said, stepping further into the room.

"I would rather rest in mine?" She shivered, backing away as he locked the door behind them.

"I will allow it tonight." He said and staring at her he began taking off his clothes, "Undress, we must consummate the night." he said and Aurora gasped and faltered in fear.

"Please, I'm not ready for this-" She trembled.

"What better time for the gods to bless us with an heir than on our wedding night?"

"Please, don't do this..." She pleaded in jagged tears.

He completely unclothed himself and Aurora tore her eyes away from him, but soon felt him in front of her, "Don't turn away from me." he whispered, tilting her head so she could meet his eyes. 

"Please.." She pleaded and shivered as his cold fingers drifted and trailed down her collarbone, at the realization, she wanted to cry, scream or shout but she knew no one would come to her aid, "Are you afraid?" He whispered, and with a tight breath she nodded, "Why? I would be gentle." he breathed, then closing her eyes she imagined she was in a better place instead... a much happier place, A place with grandfather Luiz.

She remembered trying to build her first book pyramid with him, "I can't do it." She exclaimed and pushed it down frustratedly, "I can't do anything right, it's too hard." She huffed.

Her grandfather calmly bent down and gathered the books again, "In life, You would have a lot of difficulties, but that only means you should never give up. You should always try to get ahead, that's the only way." He said and gestured her to try again.

Aurora continued envisioning her happy place, until she couldn't feel his touch against her skin anymore, then she opened her eyes to see him tieing on his robe.

He must have had a change of heart, She hoped.

"Get some rest, we have a long day tomorrow." He said and stormed his way out of the door and Aurora let out a deep breath of relief.

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