Chapter 11

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Aurora and jack couldn't make it back to the village after sunset, so they settled in an old abandoned cabin, made of wood. It had a small porch in front of the door with dead flowers surrounding it.

"Who did you say owns this old cabin again?" Aurora asked Jack as he tied up the horse to a tree.

"No one." he answered.

"So we are crashing houses now." She exclaimed.

"Would you rather lay out in the cold?" he shot back and Aurora rolled her eyes with a sigh,

Jack finished tying up the horse and gestured her to follow him.

When they reached the door Jack didn't hesitate a second before kicking the door open.

"Really?" Aurora exclaimed, "You couldn't you have just knocked like a normal person."

"Where's the fun in that?" He smirked and entered the cabin. Aurora followed him behind muttering things under her breath.

They walked into an old living room with dusty wooden chairs and across from it was a small fireplace and a large table with a rotten flower vase.

She moved her eyes around while Jack stepped into another room.

Aurora trailed her hands on the dirty surfaces before making it to the room where Jack was pulling out a box from underneath the bed, which was the only furniture in the room.

"I thought you said you don't know who lived here?" She questioned.

"I don't." He said coldly as he ransacked the box. Aurora sighed and plopped herself on the bed, making it bounce.

"What are you searching for?" She asked looking up at him.

"It's nothing-" He replied and placed the box away. Aurora wanted to ask what was in the box but decided not to, "I am going out to get us food, stay here." he ordered, and She nodded and watched him leave.

Jack walked to a nearby apple orchard behind the cabin. He grabbed a basket underneath the tree and picked a few apples and once he gathered enough; he made it back and placed it on the table, before proceeding to light the fireplace.

"Is this yours?" A voice spoke up, and he turned to see Aurora standing with the box.

He didn't answer, he turned back and continued lighting up the fire," did you live here or something?"

Jack still didn't answer,

"Jack." Aurora called.

She knew Jack was a mystery and most of the time she didn't bug him for information, but this time she wanted to know, she wanted to know a little something about this man.

Aurora placed the box away and made it over to him, "What's the big deal if you lived here?" She uttered as she settled next to him.


He ignored her.

"Fine, don't tell me. It's not like we are friends or anything." Aurora sighed and got up to grab the fruit basket before making it back to him.


The flames curl and sway, flicking this way and that, crackling as they burn the dry wood.

"The cabin belonged to my mother." he gave in and Aurora smiled at her victory. She knew he would crack at some point.

"Where's she? I mean your mother?"

"Dead." He uttered and Aurora nearly choked, "Murdered." he added.

"I'm so sorry."

"It was a long time ago." he uttered and reached out for an Apple.

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