Chapter 22

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"I hope this changes your mind about killing your people." Aurora said as they disembarked the coach.

The news spread that his Majesty and his bride were coming to the countryside, so the people prepared a feast to welcome them.

This was the first time Aurora was addressing the people and surprisingly they welcomed her with open arms.

"My lady." She smiled as a little girl tugged her dress, Aurora leaned down to her and the girl cupped her ear and whispered something to her, having her laughing and looking towards Jonathan.

He raised an eyebrow at them and she quickly yelped and ran away. "You seem to be enjoying yourself." he said, and she laughed shortly before turning back to their surroundings.

"When was the last time you saw your people?" She asked him,

"Ten years ago." He answered, "This was my father's duty. I used to make excuses not to come to this filth. But soon this unavoidable duty would be passed down to me." He said with disgust and Aurora rolled her eyes at him before returning her eyes back to the people.

"Make space for your Majesty and his bride." The head escort announced as he pushed the crowd aside to enable them go through.

"The people prepared a small banquet on hearing your arrival." Lady Helen the governess welcomed them into the kitchen of the estate property, it wasn't the size of the Royal kitchen. But it was perfect enough to feed a portion of the kingdom.

"You seem to have a shortage of workers on your hands?" Aurora asked.

"Yes, some of the workers had to attend to their crops."

"I have an idea, why don't Jonathan and I help with serving the guests this evening." Jonathan choked, Lady Helen went numb, not sure how to react to the suggestion, but once she regained her senses she shook her head, "it's the least we could do while we are here?"

"Jonathan is of high noble blood. I can't bestow such a responsibility on him."

"Nonsense." Aurora bumped Jonathan's shoulders. "He has the same blood as everyone else in this room, besides what better way to serve his people, than actually serving them."

"What do you think you're doing, Sarah?" Jonathan gritted, pulling her to the side, "This wasn't part of the plan."

"The plan was for you to get to know your people, and change your mind about killing them-"

He snorted, and they turned back to Helen. "So where do we start?"

Helen grinned before giving the signal for the door to be opened. The doors opened and Jonathan was the first to gasp at the sight, the hall was filled with about a hundred citizens.

"Look at all these people!"

"This is only the fraction of the kingdom, your Majesty." Helen chirped in, before gesturing them where to start.

With that, they started serving food to the guests, the guests gasped and sighed on seeing their upcoming king holding out trays of food.

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