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"You look very pretty." Aurora walked in on Mia in front of the dressing mirror.

"Actually, this used to be mom's dress.."

"What?" Aurora is surprised.

"Apparently, grandfather didn't get rid of her things like he claimed he did, he just left them all in the attic."

"I-I didn't know that."

"You should check them out and keep what you like before I get rid of everything, they are a nuisance up there. I don't need anything to remind me of that woman. ...Although, it's funny how some things never change, mom left, grandma left, grandpa left, David left, and then the one person I thought I could count on in this entire world, walked away."

"I never left." Aurora tried to explain.

"No, you pretend I didn't exist, that's far worse." Mia exhales deeply, "It's all in the past, now I have to focus on making a bunch of strangers like me enough to hand me their son, well, that's that."

Aurora stepped closer and stood behind her in the mirror, "You know those people are very lucky to have you as their daughter in law, extremely." She said and squeezed her shoulder,

Mia cleared her throat, staring back at her sister with a tear,

"Very lucky."

Mia smiled hesitantly,

At that moment the doorbell rang and they turned to look out of the window to see the guests with a bottle of wine and baking.

"They brought food, great." Mia cringed.

"I should welcome them in."

"No, I should." Mia says sharply, "You can and set the table, while I welcome them in."

"Yeah, sure."

Mia turns to head to the door but turns,

"And, Aurora."


"Please, don't mention anything about Sarah, or any of the crazy things you've been saying, I don't want them—-"

"No, of course. I won't mention Sarah, go it."

"Yeah, okay." Mia winces and leaves the room.

Aurora yelped and took one stare at the mirror, wondering when she would have the opportunity to tell Mia about Emily, she wouldn't want her finding out on her own, that would strain their relationship even more.

Aurora thought as she made her way to the kitchen, with a sigh, she gathered the plates and began setting the table.

Aurora sets the table as the guest and Mia join in,

"And, This is my sister, Aurora." Mia started with the introductions, "Aurora, this Charles and his lovely parents."

Charles came forward with a smile.

"It's nice to finally meet you, Aurora. I've heard so much about you."

"Likewise." She returned each smile politely.

"This all looks very delicious." Charles' father commented glancing around the table and so did everyone else, "Ah, I can't wait to have those pretzels."

"Quit acting like you haven't eaten, our future in-laws are going to think we don't feed you." Charles's mother reprimands his father and everyone laughs at how cute they were.

"Let's settle down everyone, dinner is almost." Mia ushered in.

They reached and took their various seats, while Aurora and Mia went around to fix everything. When all was done Aurora was more than pleased that they made an impression on Charles's parents.

Some days later, Aurora made her way up the attic to take a look, perhaps she wanted to reminisce over the woman who gave birth to her, it's been so long she hardly even remembers her face.

She scrambled through the different boxes and found some old books, scrapbooks, journals, albums.

She flipped the album and smiled at the memories, a much different time than now.

She placed the album away, and indulged in the scrapbooks, it had her mother's sloppy writing, she had scribbled some of her research ideas on them, a lot of analysis that didn't make sense at first but Aurora found herself digging in for more.

Somethings on it caught on her attention,


Aurora ransacked through the rest of the boxes, to make more sense of Laura's research, Laura spent almost two years studying the magical realm, Lockwood, hoping to find a way in.

She went up and pushed down the other boxes for answers,

"Okay, what are you doing?" Came Mia's voice, Aurora looked up to see Mia inspecting the mess she made in the attic.

"I found mom's old journals, you won't believe the things on it."

"That crappie old thing?"

"Where are the remaining boxes? this can't be all of it." Aurora shuddered as she scampered around, "I have to find it..."

"Okay, you're acting weird again."

"You don't get it, Mia. Mom had all these questions about Lockwood, she was searching for a way out of this world. ...Mia, this explains why mom left, why she just vanished, perhaps she found it, she found the portal to Lockwood. . ." Aurora went on scattering more boxes.

Mia stared back in worry.

"Yeah, I-I'm gonna go... " Mia hurried out, leaving Aurora in her wary mind.

Aurora Where stories live. Discover now