Chapter 20

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She quickly reached out to him and hugged him tightly in tears. "How are you even here?" She breathed, not believing her eyes.

 "How are you even here?" She breathed, not believing her eyes

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"I know the castle like the back of my hands." He mumbled, holding tightly to her, "And, I had to see you." he said, pulling away to look at her,

"I'm glad you're okay, Jack. I was so worried..."

He stared down at her Royal attire and clenched tightly, "I leave you by yourself for a few days and you marry Jonathan." he uttered in spite and Aurora smacked his chest.

"He was going to have you executed for killing those men. What did you have me do, sit back and watch you die?" She stuttered at the last part and he stared at her in awe.

"I'm sorry.." he breathed, and she looked down at her hands,

"I believe, It's what Sarah would have wanted." She muttered, and he placed his thumb underneath her chin and slowly raised her eyes to him,

"I should have never left, It was -"

Aurora shook her head at his words, "You were right, I was being selfish, I should have just thanked you for saving me, instead of ranting to you about my problems and I should have never said those words to you, I didn't mean them, I was-"

He placed his finger between her lips, "It's okay." he whispered and she wrapped her arms around him in tears, "I have little time, Aurora. I hear Jonathan is on his way."

"You're leaving!" She panicked, "No please, take me with you."

"I can't." He shook his head, "You would be in a lot of danger."

"When would I see you again?"

"I would find a way." He leaned his forehead against hers, listening to her panting heart, "I promise." he breathed.

Then kissing her forehead, he opened the door, "Be safe Aurora

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Then kissing her forehead, he opened the door, "Be safe Aurora." He whispered to her, and she nodded slightly before hurrying out of the door with the hope of seeing him again.

She ran down the halls to her chambers but halts on her tracks when she sees Jonathan standing at his door chamber with Quora and his men.

Swallowing hard, she made her walk towards them and once she was close; he grabbed her by the arm and threw her inside roughly.

"Where were you?" He growled.

"I-I just went to get some water, I was thirsty-" She stuttered in fear and Jonathan sighed.

"I don't want you walking alone at night. It's very dangerous." He whispered, he taking her hands, and she cringed, but nodded in agreement, "Come.." he said, grabbing her towards the bed,

"I thought you were to return tomorrow?" She muttered amidst her apprehension.

"I couldn't stay away from my beautiful bride any longer, you don't know it but I'm compelled to you, Sarah." He kissed her hand and Aurora flinched, struggling away from him.

"I-I have had a long day-" She stutters.

"So have I." he whispered, then wrapping his arm around her waist, he undid his belt and Aurora hurtled out of his grip and scrabbled to the other side of the room.

"Please, don't do this.." She pleaded, with him in fear.

"I want children Sarah, that was part of our agreement."

"I begged you for time." She trembled, "I'm not ready yet, I need more time..."

"We've been married for a month, how much more time do you need, before you give yourself willingly to me." he made his way over to her and she gasped backing away.

"Please." She held out her hand, stopping him from moving any further, "Don't do this I beg you, I just need more time."

Jonathan clenched his jaw and released,

"Fine...I would give you seven more days to get yourself together, but if by then you don't surrender yourself willingly to me, you would leave me no choice." he roared.

"You would rape me?" She rasped. Jonathan doesn't answer and pulling off his clothes in front of her. He picked up his robe and went to bed.

Aurora sunk to the corner and tugging her head between her legs, she sat there and willed herself not to whimper or cry.

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