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Aurora and Jack traveled 'till sunrise and arrived at the port of Bern, they stepped down from the ship and approached a chariot with their luggage.

"Welcome to Bern, they say it's the land of Magic," Jack said as they rode through the city.

Aurora was appalled.

"There's actual magic here."

Jack hummed in response, holding tightly to her arm as she gazed around in awe, the little village reminded her of the local town fair.

Jack managed to hire a horse on the way and they rode to the other side of town where there were rumors of a seer who had knowledge of the gemstone, he awaits up in the peaks.

They rode through the woods and arrived at the mountain.

Jack got off his horse and helped her down, then he led her up the hills, they met a man, standing at the Cliff of the mountain.

He lifts his eyes and gazes at Aurora.

"You are very far from home dear." He said.

"You know who I am?"

"I was told you were coming. I have been waiting..."

"What's this place?" Aurora asked.

"It's a realm 1000 Miles away from the other parts of the heavens. I believe you come from the part called earth."

"Yes, Can you get me home?"

He gestured them to follow him and spoke as they did, "Men have traveled through these stones for a thousand years, you're not the first to come to this world or the last. ."

They sputtered in a circle of rocks and in between them is a large gemstone.

Aurora and Jack are appalled.

"The rumors are true."

"You must go, this is the last full moon, it might take a while for another to appear and it would be too late. You must leave now, nature as to take its natural cause." He said.

Jack took her hand and they walked towards it. Aurora stops walking abruptly, shuddering.

"Wait... " She let's go of Jack and backs away a little, "I mean, I'm not ready."

"It's what you want, what you've always wanted, to go home, to Mia."

"I'm not sure it's what I want anymore." for a very long time she's wanted nothing more than to go home, to live in her new world again, with Mia and her little store, it's so much different imagining it. "But I know if I go home, you would have Sarah back." Aurora muttered under her breath, more to herself, "I get it." Aurora starts moving and Jack stops her.

"It won't be the same... I want Aurora, it's not the same--"

"Why won't you ask me then?" She cut in.

Jack stares at her confused and finds tears in her eyes.

"Ask me to stay, Jack... . If you want me like you claim you do, you would beg me to stay.. .."

"I do care for you, Aurora..."

"Not enough to ask me to stay."

Jack paused for a moment, and swallowed, choosing his words with great words, "Aurora, It's because I care for you that's why I need you to go home, there's nothing here for you, but violence and disparity."

"You still haven't asked me, Jack."

"Aurora, we are in war, the only way I can fight is if I know you are safe and in arms way."

Aurora Where stories live. Discover now