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"Aurora, are you okay?" Eric pulled Aurora out of her thoughts, it took a moment before she realized Emily was no longer in her arms,


"I put her to bed already. . Are you okay?" Eric worried,

Aurora was thinking about Mia's proposal, the thought of selling off their grandfather's store haunted her, she didn't want to sell it.

"I think I should go." Aurora gathered her things to leave, "I've done Emily's laundry, ironed them in the drawer, filled in her formulas, you will have to do the rest, I won't be back this week."

"Why, what's going on?" Eric followed as she hurried to the door.

"I can't explain right now, take care of Emily." She said and left.

She went to the store, and in seconds she sunk down in tears.

When all was done, she gathered herself up and began to pack the books into different boxes, it was going to take some time, but Aurora barely even noticed as time passed by, each book had a different memory and it kept her mind occupied.

She managed to empty one shelve, promising herself to take it one shelve at a time, till the very last book, she returned home later that night to find Mia hovering around in guilt,

Mia felt bad about selling off the store, she knew it was the one thing Aurora adored, but everything was moving so fast and she needed the money.


"Hey." Aurora managed, and starts to head towards the room.

"Aurora, wait." Mia stopped her, "Look, I know you're mad, and you probably hate me right now, but if you look it at the right way, this was the right thing to do, that store was just sitting there and making no profit at all, it hasn't made any money since pa died, if pa was alive he would have done the same thing and you know it."

"Well, it's done, you don't have to worry about it anymore."

"Then quit making me feel bad."

Aurora snapped,

"I'm making you feel bad! You just made me sell off the one thing pa left behind and I'm the one making you feel bad." Aurora raised her voice for the first time.

"It's just a store, Aurora. A store."

Aurora thought, Mia would never understand how it feels,

"Goodnight," Aurora said and walked away.

The following day's Aurora spent it at the store, boxing the books and getting everything ready for moving day.

Just when the last ordeal was done, she threw herself tireless on the floor, she laid back and peered around the almost empty store which had her whole life in it,

As she laid there her eyes caught something puzzling, she went to it and realized it was a hidden safe underneath the floor,

She opened it and saw a book.

Aurora took it out and went to sit on the bench to read it.

It was an ancient geometric book, she remembers seeing Grandpa Luis studying it.

She opens the ancient geometry book and pulls out a metal disk that had six small clear circles on the outside of the disk and a larger central stone, she touches it the small crystal began to glow followed by the central stone.

Aurora didn't understand it, but she knew it had to mean something, so she tucked it into her bag and went to finish emptying the store.

Aurora Where stories live. Discover now