Chapter 13

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As Jack and Jonathan caught up on old times, Aurora excused herself from the table and took a walk around the castle.

As she walked through the great walls of the castle, she thought it to be spooky and medieval, like one of those horrifying books she never bothered to read in her historical sections.

"Are you lost my lady?" A voice chirped in behind and she turned to see the maid from before, the one that couldn't take her eyes off Jack.


"Yes, my lady.."

"Please call me Au-." She paused, "call me Sarah.." She quickly corrected herself, She hadn't gotten used to the name yet.

Quora nodded,

"Are you lost?"

Aurora exhaled and took her eyes around, "I'm just taking a walk and admiring the castle..."

Quora bowed to her and turned to excuse but Aurora stops her before she could. She didn't know why she felt the need to talk to her, perhaps it was because of Jack. Aside from his name she knew nothing about him.

"Do you mind giving me a tour, I seem to be walking in circles..."

Quora nodded and lead her down a garden with a circular path around it,

"You're very beautiful, lady Sarah." Quora said and Aurora smiled at her.

"So are you."

Even though she found her a little too petite, she did honestly believe she was beautiful.

"So how you and Jack seem close?" Aurora chirped in as she bent down onto her knee to admire the roses,

"Since we were children, my lady.." Quora uttered.

"What happened?"

"We got betrothed.." She uttered and Aurora's heart clenched tightly.

"You mean engaged to be married?" She muttered and Quora nodded.

"That was before he left. You know when the man puts his mind on something nothing can stop him." Quora uttered as if still in pain.

"Did you wait?"

"I've always loved Jack, and I always believed in my heart he would come back. Everyone thought I was crazy to wait for him and here he is."

Aurora cleared her throat,

"Are you okay, Lady Sarah?"

"Yes, of course-" She stuttered and gathered herself up to her feet,

"The weather is getting a little too chilly." She uttered and Quora nodded, guiding her back.

As they walked, Aurora couldn't help but feel like Quora was trying to send her a message, or perhaps it was her mind that was messing with her.

Halfway, they spotted Jack and Jonathan matching over,

"There you are?" Jack said, looking at Aurora before his eyes drifted swiftly to Quora, causing her to blush uncontrollably, "You haven't changed." Jack chuckled softly making her blush even more.

"I'm sure you two have a lot to catch up on." Jonathan walked over, "Go on, I'd keep Lady Sarah company, until you return..." he said leaving Jack in a dilemma.

"I'll be fine-" Aurora assured him, he glanced from Aurora to Jonathan before nodding, He wasn't comfortable leaving her alone but believed she was in safe hands.

"Walk with me?" Jonathan said, offering her his arm.

Aurora nodded slightly and slid her hand into his and with that they walked down great halls of the castle,

"How do you like my Castle?"

"It's lovely.." She replied.

"It is, but it's rather lonely sometimes-"

There was an untold darkened truth behind Jonathan's aura that Aurora couldn't quite place her mind on, it was there from the moment they met him.

"Don't you have family?"

"Just Jack, but I plan on changing that soon.." He said, turning to look at her, "I would enjoy a ride with you tomorrow?"

"I would be rather busy.." She declined, looking around for any sign of Jack.

"It wasn't a request..."

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