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Only a few hours had passed when Aurora awoke suddenly from sleep and prowling her eyes around the room she still found it-empty,

No sight of Jack,

In worry, she wore on her veil and went out to find him, she carefully climbed down the stairs and spurred out in the living room where she caught sight of him, laying beside the fireplace, his tartan wrapped around him as he sipped a bottle.

She tugged her veil and went to him.

As she neared, he lifted his eyes and noticed her.

Aurora bent and laid next to him on the floor, laying her head on his chest,

Then yanking the bottle, she took a gulp, and gagged as the alcohol stung her throat,

"That tastes terrible." She handed it back to him,

He chortled taking another gulp,

Aurora rested properly on his chest, crackling at a sudden memory,

"When Mia and I were little...We used to hide into our grandfather's hidden basement to steal whine and
grandfather used to get so mad, he would ground us for weeks." laughter laced her voice, causing Jack to smile at her.

"I never would've pictured you as a rebel." he muttered in her ear, Aurora shook her head smiling and averting her eyes to the plain ceiling.

"Mia was the rebel." She crackled slightly.

Jack adjusted himself on the floor and laid facing her,

"Mia sounds like my kind of girl, you should learn a few things from her." He teased and Aurora chuckled, smacking him playfully.

He snickered, tucked a loose strand of hair away from her face, staring at her,

"Grandfather had a hard pretty time getting her to sit for a book."

"Tell me about your Grandfather?" he mumbled suddenly,

She beamed, turning her eyes to him with a smile.

"He was amazing." She started, she told him about her grandfather, what he was like, How he took care of them.

"How did he die?" He asked,

Aurora took a moment, remembering the saddest moment of their lives,

"He got really old." She replied with a painful smile and went quiet again, "Never even got the chance to be proud of me." She muttered to herself,

"I'm certain he's proud." Jack chimed,

She smiled, looking up at him.

Then slowly she began to admire him and unlike the meI on erth, Jack Hyde was a work of art, his imperfections, made him absolutely delightful to see,

Those thoughts in mind, she reached and began brushing his scars,

She wasn't as fazed as she was at them the first time.

Aurora Where stories live. Discover now