Chapter 2

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After the wrap of darkness. Aurora felt herself falling down a scary tunnel and before she had the chance to scream her lungs out, the world erupted into bright rainbow colors and then, nothing.

She awoke sometime later amid bushes and thick trees. Her eyes widened, and she jolted to her feet faster than a cat in ice water, her every thought in high definition, "Where am I?" She asked aloud, wincing and getting a hold of her spinning head, before the blackness in the store, all she could remember was falling down into a dark tunnel and then the blast, but beyond that her memories were fuzzy. She twirled around, but no matter the direction she turned, she was faced with thick trees and bushes.

Suddenly, A twig snapped behind and Aurora quickly folded and formed her fists into an attack position, "Who's there?" She hurled out as the footstep got closer, a pit of fear curling up inside of her. In all the books she had read, nothing good ever happened to people in mysterious forests.

"There you are." A voice chirped on the side and she turned to its direction to see a pretty redhead in a green brocade, "I thought they got you."

Aurora recoiled, but maintained the formation of her fists, "Who are you?" She snarled.

The girl threw her head back and laughed, "Oh! Sarah, you could be so dramatic, it wasn't that much of a scare." The girl said, her humor dying down,

"I won't ask again, who are you? And how the hell did I get here?" Aurora demanded in a sterner tone, but the girl blew her a bluff, "Stop this silly games Sarah, Mama is waiting for us and you know how she can be." The girl huffed and made her way towards a circular path.

Aurora just stood there, to frozen to move.

There she was in a strange forest with a weird redhead, wearing an ancient brocade, who thinks she's Sarah, with no idea what happened or how she got here. She laughed aloud, "This is a dream, this can only be a dream, what other explanation could there be, it's a dream." She concluded.

"Are you coming or not?" The redhead yelled in front and Aurora gathered herself together and followed her behind, hoping that she would awake soon from this nightmare.

They walked their way through the endless forest, stumbling on hard rocks and thick branches, and the whole time Aurora was getting more and more convinced that it was all a dream, a dream she would soon awaken from. She hoped she would remember all of it once she wakes up, "Home." The redhead squealed as they finally spurred out and walked through what resembled a village.

They passed women in various brocade costumes, strong men chasing after a boy who seemed to have stolen a loaf of bread, a greengrocer with a window full of mangos and oranges, a blacksmith, a town crier, a butcher with bloody lumps of meat hanging up in display and a lot more. Aurora thought the whole scenery to be beautiful.

"Hello Mary." The butcher smiled shyly at the redhead, "Hi George." she waved at him and he waved back, that was until his eyes landed on Aurora, "Sarah..." He frowned. Aurora stared at him confused, while moving in the same pace with the redhead, whom she discovered her name was Mary.

"I know you hate meat, but would it kill you to be nice to the man for the rest of us." Mary sighed.

Aurora found it strange, she had mentioned nothing about not liking meat. In fact she loves meat, so much that she would never enjoy a meal without one, that was a needy habit she developed as a child.

Then, they came out at the other side of the village and spurred out on a narrow path where there were no people, only houses with slanted roofs and sun-dried clay bricks as walls.

But there was a particular one that caught Aurora's sight, It's built with strong wooden frameworks and fibrous materials like straws and seaweeds and oddly that seemed to be the direction they were heading. At that point she wished more than anything she would wake up.

They made it up to the porch and unexpectedly the door slammed open, revealing a furious woman in a black brocade, her face wrinkled in a frown, her long black hair pulled back into a ponytail, "Where the hell have you two been?" She growled causing, Aurora to flinch slightly.

"John's men attacked us on the way to the market. We had to run to the woods for safety." Mary spurted in defense. "Get your ass inside." The woman snapped, having them both running into the house.

Aurora took her eyes around, the house looked like something that belonged in a storybook. Its roof and walls were a thick thatch of straws, only the floor, doors and windows made of wood and the only nice furniture seen in the room, was a long wooden table with tiny wooden stools around it.

"Get out of those dirty clothes Sarah, you look like one of those homeless kids on the streets." The woman scolded, moving towards the back and Aurora immediately thought her grumpy.

She then peered down her body and a loud gasp escaped her lips, she had been so lost in her mind she didn't notice what she was wearing. It was a white negligee, stained with brown ashes from the woods. She turned to Mary, who's quietly at the table, "Where's your powder room?" She uttered and Mary stared at her puzzled.

"Powder room?" She asked, making sure she heard correctly. "Yes, powder room. I want to freshen up, I look very dirty and a shower would be nice to thank you." Aurora thought if this was a dream, she had to flow with the act before she finally wakes up.

"Mama, Sarah is acting funny again..." Mary yelled, and the woman spurred out from the back and on seeing Aurora she became furious again, "Sarah, out of those clothes now." She snarled, pointing at a wooden door. Aurora quickly moved towards the direction she pointed,

"She's been acting funny? talking about some powder room." She heard Mary chirp in quietly.

Aurora got inside and slammed the door behind, before pressing her back against the door and taking a deep breath.

She looked up and took her eyes around the room. It was a small room with a wooden floor and straws as roof and to the side was a single bed with white wore out sheets. "This a good time to wake up Aurora." She muttered to herself, roaming around the room, before stopping in front of a small mirror.

She stared at her reflection, fear and shock instantly crawled up her entire body. She closed her eyes and sucked in a deep breath before opening it and staring at it again.

No! She shook her head hysterically and stared at it again. Pure terror surged through her veins, her feet terrorized to even move and all her hands agreed to do was touch her face, Suddenly a riffling scream tore out in the room and then she fainted.


The next chapter is now available on Inkitt, check it out, Thank you.

Username: Dearking.

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