Chapter 14

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A few days after the dinner at the castle, Aurora was picking out herbs in the farm with Amy and Helen when she heard a loud ruckus, she quickly gathered her half basket and moved closer to them,

"What's going on?" She asked as four men in red coats approached them and as they got closer, she immediately recognized one as a soldier from the palace, 

"We are here for the lady." One of the soldiers said, looking towards Aurora, who was staring at them with confused eyes,

"What do you want with me?" She asked.

"We are under orders to bring Lady Sarah to the castle?"

"Whose orders?" Amy snarled, shielding Aurora behind her.

"The king."

"This is a Fletcher's clan, we don't do dealings with the king. So I advise you all leave before I call out my husband..."

"Stay out of this woman, we don't want to hurt you or your unborn bear." The guard warned, signaling one of the men to grab Aurora.

Amy tried to stop them but it was effortless, "Lady Sarah, You've been summoned." The soldier said, grabbing her by the arm.

"Let go of me you bastard." Aurora struggled and was about to bite her way through when Dave spurred out.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"She's being summoned." The soldier said,

Dave stepped closer, "Lady Sarah is a guest of our clan and she will nay be harmed. Now I suggest letting her go and leaving my property unharmed."

"Not leaving here without the lady." The soldier said as another pointed a gun at Dave's head, "Come on, my lady" He uttered, dragging her towards the horses.

"Let go of me." Aurora fought and struggled to get free.

"You heard the Lady."

Jack spurred out of nowhere, pointing out two guns. One at the soldier holding Aurora and the other at the one holding Dave.

Dave regained himself and quickly pulled out his gun, pointing it at the other two soldiers, "You can be persecuted for this." The soldiers threatened,

"Let go." Jack warned again, and slowly and reluctantly, the soldier lets go of Aurora's arm and she quickly ran to Amy and Helen's side.

Jack turned to the men, "Now you all turn around and leave." The soldiers pulled out their swords instead, "Wrong choice." Jack uttered and soon a fight broke out between the men.

Aurora, Amy and Helen quickly hurled to the corner to hide. The fight lasted for over fifteen minutes and it ended, with Jack and Dave killing the four soldiers.

Aurora spurred out of hiding and gasped seeing the dead bodies on the floor. Jack quickly placed his guns away and rushed to her side, "Are you okay?" He asked.

"I'm okay." She assured him and he nodded, before turning his head to Dave.

"What do we do with the bodies?" He sighed, not even slightly fazed by them.

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