Chapter 17

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Aurora was staring out the balcony in tears, when the maids interrupted, "It's time, My lady." They said, reminding her it was time to prepare for the wedding.

They grabbed and led her towards the tub filled with steaming water, then removing her clothes, they helped her into the bath and soaped and scrubbed every each of her body, until she was squeaky clean.

Aurora just sat there whimpering as she endured all the ministrations, they then dried her hair and twisted and tugged it into a knot, before helping her out of the bath. Then, dragging her in front of a mirror in her bareness, they embedded her with a wedding dress, causing more tears to fall,

"You need to remain still my lady?" One of the maids said as they did the last finishing touches of the wedding dress, they seemed to be oblivious of her pain or they just didn't care to notice.

Once they were done with the dress, they made her hair and did her makeup, before checking her up and down to ensure she was perfect.

The door to the room suddenly flew open and Jonathan walked in, dressed in a black suit with a golden sword and a belt around his waist, "Leave us." He ordered, and the maids bowed their heads and quickly hustled out of the room.

Then walking up to Aurora, he stared at her in amazement, "You look beautiful." He uttered and Aurora remained quiet, staring at her reflection tearfully. He sighed, "You need to make peace with our deal, we are about to walk down the aisle in a few minutes."

At his words she turned her tearful eyes to him, "Let's be clear on one thing, I don't want to marry you, I don't even want to be here, the only reason I'm doing this is because of Jack, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something happens to him because of me."

He looked at her with no emotion for a moment before speaking, "You need to move past your feelings for Jack Hyde and come to terms with this, you're going to be my queen and as your king and husband I expect full submission." he said coldly and Aurora gagged and spat on his face.

"I will never love you." She gritted and backed away as Jonathan's temper began to rise.

He glared, taking slow and terrifying steps towards her, "Once we are married, we would need to work on putting all that strength to better use." he growled and Aurora glared and turned her away from him to try and calm herself down, she had to put herself together and get it over with.

She flinched as she felt Jonathan's hand wrap around her waist, "Look, how perfect we look." he whispered, referring to their reflection in the mirror, "Stop fighting this and just accept me, I promise to make you the happiest queen in all the nine realms." he whispered and kissed her cheeks, causing her to flinch, "My men would be here in a few minutes to escort you the throne room and then we would be married."

Taking one last look at her, he walked out of the room and Aurora bust out in loud tears.

About five minutes later three guards stormed into the room, "It's time." they ordered and wiping her tears, she pulled herself together and walked out of the room, following them past different doors, until they stopped in front of two big doors.

The guards each took their sides beside her as the melodious music began to play and as soon as the door flew open Aurora gasped at the sight in front of her.

The once spooky Castle was decorated with golden apparels and the people were dressed in fancy clothing, standing on each side of the room, and right down the center in front of her was a long red carpet leading all the way to the bottom of the grand stairs where Jonathan and the priest were standing, waiting.

"My lady." one of the guards called her attention, pulling herself out of her thoughts, she swallowed hard and took slow steps down the aisle, avoiding the eyes of everyone in the room.

Once she reached the end of the aisle, Jonathan smiled and took her hands into his and they faced the priest, suddenly the music stopped and the room fell silent.

"Dearly beloved we're gathered here today to witness the marriage of Jonathan Ruiz Bennett XV and Sarah Marshall." the priest said before turning to Jonathan.

"Jonathan, do you take the Sarah to be your lovely wedded wife and queen, till death do you apart?"

"I do."

The priest then turned to Aurora and asked the same question. She gulped nervously and stared at the crowd as if seeking help in the people's faces and for a split second she thought she saw him standing there.

"Sarah." Jonathan chirped in threatfully. She looked up at him to see a deadly glare in his eyes, "This is the part where you say I do, my love." Jonathan said, and the crowd laughed.

"Lady Sarah-" The priest called. Aurora then took in a deep painful breath, and stuttered, "I-I do."

"Then, I pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride." the priest said and Aurora hitched and backed away,

"Don't be shy." Jonathan smirked and grabbing her by the wrist he pulled her to him and crashed his lips against her and the people exploded in cheers.

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