Chapter 23

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At the next meeting, Aurora and Jonathan walked into the room and took their seat at the head of the table, others waited before doing the same.

Once everyone was in order, the squire spoke up. "Today we continue on the debate of war." He said and the council of men nodded.

"I believe the popular opinion remains the same?" Marcus one of the council members said and the rest of the men murmured and mused in agreement.

Aurora opened her mouth to speak but Jonathan cut in stopping her.

"I appreciate all your opinions. But we must all agree this debate is long overdue. So I have reached a final decision." He paused, and the room went quiet, "There would be war." He said and the men could not curtail their excitement, "Let the preparations begin immediately after the coronation."

"I think this decision is rather rash- "One of the council spoke up. "You are willing to put the entire kingdom at risk for more lands. You should reconsider your decision."

"Stop talking nonsense, Sebastian. What do you know about War? You can barely curtail your alcohol." Another said, and the room erupted with laughter.

"He has a wise point." Aurora chirped in finally.

"Wise? He's merely a boy! How can a boy dispute the affairs of the kingdom?" Another spat and others nodded, arguing amidst themselves.

"Order." The squire growled and everywhere went calm again. "Those in favor." He said and half of the men raised their hands in the air, "Those against."

Aurora, Mary, Sebastian, and a few other men raised their hands, but it wasn't enough. Jonathan carried a majority vote. Aurora had tried to advise him out of the idea, but all her words seemed to have fallen on deaf ears. The squire then turned to Jonathan for his decision.

"I say let the preparation for my Coronation begin and then we fight to get back what's ours." He roared and the room erupted in merry.

"Court dismissed- "The Squire announced and a few of the men got up to their feet to leave, Aurora did as well.

She needed to get some air, so she quietly walked down the busy hall alone. After a few minutes of endless walking, she spurred out to the welcoming sweet scent of the garden; She smiled at herself and took a deep breath savoring them.

"I have been looking for you." A voice spoke up, startling her, she turned and was faced with Jonathan.

"I needed some air." She spat.

"Come, we need to discuss." He said, and she got up to her feet and followed him to the stone bench. He then waited for her to settle down before doing the same,

"What's this about?"

"It's been three months since we've been married and you still act like we are enemies."

"Three months since you blackmailed me into marrying you for Jack's freedom." Aurora spat, reminding him and Jonathan let out a small laugh.

"I kept my word." He reminded her, "It's about time you keep yours." his tone becomes serious, "There's a war coming; it's paramount we planning for the future."

"future?" She scoffed.

"Are we not married?"

"Against my will." She reminded him, this time in a louder tone. Then calming herself she decided to be honest with him, "I don't love you, Jonathan..and I don't think I ever will, not to the point of considering having children with you."

She stopped and continued,

"You're to be king, you allowed as many wives and concubines as you wish, pick one to give you an heir and leave me alone." she yelled the last part, but soon regretted her words from the anger that came across Jonathan's face.

His fists were clenched tightly and his breathing became heavier. Suddenly, he jumped to his feet and Aurora flinched, assuming he was about to attack her.

"I have been very lenient and patient with you, Sarah. But I'm running out of patience. Soon you would leave me no choice than to do the unimaginable."

"You mean, you would rape me-" She rasped in anger.

"Either way, you are going to give me an heir."

Aurora's face went pale,

"It's time you get used to the idea of us being married. We had a deal and as long as we both breathe air, the agreement binds us."

Suddenly the door opened, revealing Quora, " You have a guest, My Lady." Quora chirped in and Jonathan turned around to leave but stopped at the door.

"You have four days to succumb."

He then left and Aurora's body went numb, almost to the point of falling. "My lady-" Quora reached out her and Aurora held to her, breathing hard and hoping Jack comes for her soon.

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