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Mia wouldn't let her inside their house, no matter how much she pleaded and knocked. She had no money or where to go, this was her only home.

The weather was freezing and Aurora sat there hugging her freezing body and whimpering.

She never thought this would happen, that Sarah would change everything, her hair, her body, her clothes, her life, everything felt different to Aurora, even Mia.

She despised Sarah for changing everything but yet again she couldn't completely blame her, she had ruined Sarah's world too, even in the most despicable way.

Aurora sat there till almost midnight when suddenly the door buckled open, Aurora looked up to see Mia with a trash bag in her hand.

"You've got to be kidding me! Mia exclaimed as she saw Aurora. With a deep sigh crossed over to throw the trash before returning to face her sister, "What are you doing?"

"I have nowhere to go."

"I thought you lived with your boyfriend, what's his name? .. Henry I think."

"Sarah had a boyfriend?" Aurora is shocked.

"Oh my God, can you stop with the Sarah bulshit already?"

"I'm not lying."

"You need to stop, seriously, You're starting to sound like a freak."

Aurora decided that the only way to get her life back was to lie, or pretend Sarah and the other world never existed, that way Mia would take her seriously and not think she's crazy.

"Do you enjoy hurting me, is that it?" Mia sounded irritated.

Aurora lowered her head,

"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

She looks up at Mia,

"About everything. I was wrong to abandon you, and right now I just want things to go back to the way they were."

"Why, why now? I haven't seen you in almost two years and now you come back to say this, what is it you really want Aurora?!"

Aurora thought her answers carefully,

"You're right, about everything, and also I left H-Henry. It just wasn't working, it didn't feel the same without my sister, I had to come back because I missed you so much." Aurora got up to her, "Mia, can you ever forgive me?"

Mia's eyes tear up too but she doesn't give in,

"Do come in." She brushed past Aurora adding, "It's your house after all. Grandpa Luis left it in your name, remember? I couldn't claim if I wanted."

Mia left the door open for her,

Aurora wiped her tears and went inside, then closing the door behind she took her eyes around.

Aurora is happy to know that Mia kept everything the way she had left it, the bookshelves were neat and well kept.

Even Grandpa's reading glasses were still on the table where he had left it.

Aurora chuckled, roaming around.

Lights were the other thing she was grateful for, she chuckled at the memory of using candles and fireplaces to see through the night.

"Well, are you just gonna stand there?" Mia waved in annoyance. Aurora nodded and had Mia escort her to the room, Aurora's old room.

It shocked her to see how everything was neatly kept, despite being mad at her Mia had taken the time to clean the dusty room every other day.

Aurora felt happy to know that not all hope was lost, she could still make it up to Mia and get her life back together.

"I remember this." She pointed at the singing box on the table.

"Yeah, you used to love that crappy old thing," Mia added.

"You kept everything."

"Yeah, I couldn't exactly get rid of them. . Not that I didn't try."

"Thank you." Aurora smiled at her.

"Whatever." Mia rolled her eyes and left.

Soon after Mia had left Aurora with her things, Aurora thought to have a shower.

She was grateful for the delightful running water, having dealt with water buckets for almost two years, standing showers felt like a vital thing.

Aurora giggled at the joy and simplicity a basic thing like a shower brought.

She missed the little things, showers, fresh soaps, electricity, everything that the twentieth century had to offer.

But all of that was withdrawal from the issue that dulled her mood.

She missed Jack Hyde more and more every second. She leaned back and tried to imagine what he might be doing at the exact moment.

Preparing for war, missing her, Or filling her absence with Sarah.

She decided not to picture them together, or what they might be doing, the thought of it broke her heart,

She turned off the shower and stepped out grabbing a nearby towel.

Drying off and caressing the warm, soft fabric of actual clothes, she laid to rest and tried to keep her memories at bay.

Aurora Where stories live. Discover now