Chapter 7

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They continued walking until they spurred out at a brown stream, filled with heavy stones and rocks, Jack was the first to Jump off the legged before turning to her,

"Come on." he said.

She gulped and looked down at the 10 foot jump she was about to make, closing her eyes, she attempted to build up the courage to jump,

but she couldn't.

She shook her head hysterically, recoiling, "I can't do it, I can't. It's too deep." She rambled.

Jack sighed and moving closer to her, extending his arms out to her, "Hold on to me."

She looked at his stretched out arms and swallowed hard, before moving closer to the edge and then with one large breath, she jumped with a scream and he caught her perfectly into his arms,

For a split second she thought, she had falling off of the edge, "You okay?" Jack whispered.

She regained herself and nodded.


"Anytime now sugar." Jack muttered, and she quickly regained herself and got off of him, before stretching her hands to him and pulling him up.

That's when she noticed his blood stained back,

Apparently the moment her weight fell on him, he had collapsed and crashed his back onto the hard rocks.

"You're bleeding?"

It was until Aurora pointed it he felt the nip pain from his back; he moved his back, before shrugging it, "it's just a scratch, I would be fine."

"You need to wash it off." She took her eyes around, " I spotted a clean lake on our way." she said pointing to the left.

"That's evergreen, It's not far from here, we would crash there for the night and begin tomorrow." he said and Aurora nodded relieved, inasmuch as she wanted to make it home, she was exhausted and her feet were hurting again from so much walking.

They kept hopping  from rock to rock, trying not to fall into the dirty stream and soon they reached out to a lake ringed with trees and outcroppings of rock, that were slopping into the cool waters,

Aurora quickly found a spot and sprawled herself on it, pressing onto her aching feet. Jack dropped the sack to the floor and settled next to her with a groan.

"How much further are we?" she asked him.

"About a mile." He answered,

Aurora sighed and soon her belly began to ramble, aside from the few drops of water on the way, she had eaten nothing since she got here; she was starving.

On noticing, Jack reached out and moved the sack to her,

"Help yourself."

'Thanks." She mumbled and began rummaging through the bag.

She pulled out an old flask and without thinking what was in it; she chugged it down to the last drop, within seconds, before shoving some nuts and berries into her mouth, until all the food was gone,

"I would take a quick swim and then I will hunt for more food, or we would starve." he said as he unwrapped the cloth that covered his face,

Aurora stopped and watched him attentively, she had been curious to see the face hidden inside the black tap of clothing.

As soon as his face was relieved, her heart skipped a mile,

He had beautiful, gorgeous green eyes, with messy brown hair, but across his eyes and down his cheeks was a raw scar darkened by age and very broad, He continued undressing unaware of Aurora's dismay.

He exposed the rest of his body and a loud gasp escaped her lips, causing him to look at her.

He stared at her startled face on his scars and chuckled,

"You can touch it."

She leaned closer and roamed her eyes around every one of them, there were a little more around his chest and to his back, with cross ridges that betrayed the truth of what a deep and ghastly wounds they had been.

Jack just watched her curiously he had never met anyone as naïve and curious to them as she was, "You're definitely not Sarah?" He breathed and she looked up at him to see him gazing at her. As if regaining her senses she quickly pulled away from him and cleared her throat,

"I~I am sorry, I got carried away." She stuttered and looked down, still a little shaken.

"It's fine." He whispered, "You're not the first to be startled by them."  he assured her. Aurora had a lot of questions, but held herself back from it deciding not to meddle into his business.

"I'm going for a swim, you coming?" He asked and Aurora shook her head hysterically. He then shrugged and made his way to the lake, leaving her to watch and wander after his scarred back.


Continue the next chapter on inkitt.

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