Chapter 10

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The next morning Aurora woke up to someone knocking on her door, blinking her eyes open, she got up from the bed and wrapped, a wrap around her body before opening the door to see Helen standing there, with an ivory bucket of water.

"M'lady told me to prepare you a bath."

Aurora nodded and let her in and as Helen prepared the bath, Aurora moved to the bedside and dressed the sheets she had laid on,

"No, Mistress." Helen yelled, stopping her. "I will press the sheets."

"No, I want to help." Aurora said and continued. Helen watched her reluctantly for a while before slowly agreeing,

"Thank you, Mistress." She muttered and returned to preparing the bath.

Aurora finished making her bed and was left with nothing else to do around the room. Then, tugging her arms around her body, she moved and sat on an old chaise beside the window,

"How Old Are You?" She asked Helen, while staring out the yard.

"Seventeen, Mistress."

"Hmm." Aurora hummed and said nothing else after that.

She didn't know how long she sat there, pondering but it took Helen speaking up to startle her back to reality,

"Are you okay Mistress?"

She cleared her throat, before nodding.

"Yes, I was just thinking."

"Your bath is ready and your dress laid on the bed. Is there anything else you need Mistress?"

"It's Auro~." She cuts herself short, "I mean Sarah, call me Sarah." With that Helen bowed and left the room.

On remembering their visit to the seer, Aurora quickly got up and had a quick bath, before dressing and heading downstairs to the dining room, but to her surprise she see's only Amy clearing the table.

"Good morning." Amy said, wiping the table.

"Good morning, Where's Jack?" She asked, hoping he hadn't left without her.

"He's preparing the horse. Come have breakfast." Amy said, pulling out a chair for her. Aurora mouthed a thank you before settling down,

"I made soup, with delicious sea frogs."

Aurora's eyes widened,


"Yes, Dave had them freshly fetched this morning."

Aurora stared at the meats in her plate, with shocked eyes.

As much as she loved meat, she couldn't possibly be comfortable eating frogs.

"Come on, you don't want the food to get cold now~" Amy ushered her and Aurora grabbed the spoon and scooped the soup. With trembling hands, she brought the spoon to her mouth, but as the smell reached her nostrils, nausea clawed her throat and she gagged.

"I can't." She choked.

Amy sighed taking the plate away, "would you like some bread instead?" She asked and Aurora shook her head hysterically, she didn't have the stomach to eat anything else.

"You are not from around here, are you?" Amy asked, placing the dirty dishes away and Aurora shook her head.

"I noticed." She returned and pulled out a chair across Aurora, "Tell me are you married?" She asks, settling down.

"No, I'm not married." Aurora answered politely, she didn't want to seem rude.

"Why? You are a beautiful Lass."

Aurora Where stories live. Discover now