Chapter 9

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Jack was hiking through the woods with Aurora trailing behind recounting tales of New York, the city she once felt lonely and depressed, was the city she lunged more than anything to see again, she found it quite ironic.

"You must really miss your family then?" Jack asked sympathetically while slowing his steps to allow her catch up.

Aurora became saddened at the sudden question.

She missed her overprotective little sister, which was the only person she considered family,

"I miss my sister Mia. She's my only family."

Jack stared at her pained, "You will see her again." He assures her.

She nodded sadly and finally caught up with him, "So how much further are we?" She asked and Jack looked ahead before answering, "Not much farther."

"Good.." She sighed, "My feet are killing me from all this endless hiking~" She complained and Jack chuckled.

"Let me guess, in your world, there is a giant bird, that flies you around, wherever you want like a queen." He taunted and Aurora scoffed.

"First, we call that giant bird an Airplane and second, stop calling it my 'World' like I'm trapped in some parallel universe or something ."

He chuckled and then his words hit her, "Wait! how did you know about an airplane, is there one here?"

"No, I heard it once from Sarah~"

"How did Sarah know?"

He shrugged,

"I never asked. I had other things in mind at the time~" He winked and Aurora rolled her eyes with a sigh and with that they focused more on walking.

They walked for a little further, until they spotted what resembled a faint outline of a house, "We are here." Jack said gesturing her towards the house.

They soon reached a rocky path that lead them up to the front of the house, it was a grey building, with narrow windows and straight rows on each side of the door,

When they reached the door Jack tapped on it three times and nearly a second after, the door opened on its own, but before they went in, Jack turned to her,

"One more thing, before we figure you out, you would have to act as Sarah."


"Just trust me." He assured her. Aurora nodded with a sigh and they made their way in,

"Jack Alexander Malcolm Andrews Hyde, where the hell have you been!" A heavily pregnant woman appeared in a black medieval dress.

"Nice to see you too, coz." Jack said, and she walked over and cupped his face, staring at him before they both burst into laughter and hugged.

"We missed you." She said.

"Me too," He said and Jack's cousin finally turned to look at Aurora, who was standing cluelessly.

"And who is this?"

"Amy, this is Sarah, a friend." Jack said.

"I'm Amy, It's nice to meet you." She said.

"You too." Aurora replied, and she smiled at her before turning to her cousin.

"What brings you home, you never show up without a reason." She frowned playfully at him. Jack leaned and pecked her cheeks, causing her to giggle.

"I heard Jack Hyde is in town, this must be a great season." A man with a wooden stick voiced, walking up to them, he reached over and pulled Jack into a hug,

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