Chapter 19

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The rest of the month flew by like a bliss and soon they were in the middle of a new season and just as the days ran by so did her desire to escapes and with still no word from Jack she had to take matters into her own hands and find her way home,

A knock came suddenly on the door and she quickly hid the map in her hands and sat upright, "Come in.." She coughed and not a second later the door opened and Quora and the maids hurtled in with trays of food.

"We brought you breakfast, My lady." Quora said cheerfully, before they unveiled the curtains, prepare her bath and get her ready for the day,

"You know what.." Aurora spoke up frustratedly, "From now on, I would get ready by myself, I'm not some child, I can bath and wear my own damn clothes." She yelled, gesturing them out of the room.

"But, My lady-"

"Out." Aurora growled, having them scurrying out of the door. Once they were all gone, she quickly hurried and locked the door, before sprawling back to the Jonathan's reading table to study the map all over again, she had to find her way out here.

After she prepared herself and spent the better part of her day, with the court lady's in the tearoom, chatting and getting tutorials on how to act like a queen, "So, where are you from, Lady Sarah?" Margaret, One of the court Lady's asked sipping to her cup of tea

Aurora faltered, realizing she knew absolutely something about Sarah, she regretted not rehearsing her role with Jack.

She looked up from her teacup to see the Ladies staring suspiciously at her, "Eastside." She finally uttered, and they gasped in agreement, causing her to sigh in relief,

"Where in the east?" Another chimed in, "My husband's mother is from the east and I have been there often with my husband-"

"Dublin." The word flew out of her mouth.

"Dublin? I haven't heard of it." The Lady said, glancing towards other ladies to see if they felt the same and they all shook their heads puzzled, "It must be a tiny village?"

Aurora gulped and nodded, "It's a remote village on the far end of the east. No one rides on that path anymore." She tried very much to sound convincing, and it seemed to have worked, because the ladies cleared their throats and switched to other topics at hand.

Dublin! Really? She scolded herself, before joining in on the conversation, "I didn't spot Lady Katherine at the wedding?" Margaret asked suddenly, looking at Aurora, "Does she not approve of your marriage?"

Aurora stared at them lost, " Who's Lady Katherine?" She asked and the ladies let out a loud, shocking gasp.

"You don't know My lord's Grandmother?" She uttered and Aurora shook her head slightly, not understanding what the fuss was about, "I heard she moved to Camalote, that must explain why you two haven't met yet."


"The new province. I hear it's lovely." A sudden light knock on the door, before it opened and Aurora was relieved to see Quora.

Aurora quickly got up, "I believe it's time for me to retreat to my chambers." She said and didn't wait for their replies, before hurrying out of the door, with Quora trailing behind her, "Has Jonathan returned from his trip?"

"No, My lady." Quora answered, and she sighed in relief. The night was cold. So she tugged her hands tightly around her body, walking hurriedly down the hallway to her chambers.

Once they got to the threshold of the door, Aurora turned to Quora, "You can leave me alone now." She said, making her way in.

"But, My lady-"

"Goodnight, Quora." She shuts and locks the door behind her, then changing into her sleeping wear, she grabbed the city map and settled near the window.

She sat there for the longest hour, that even the night was now starless and the moon was covered with murky clouds that blended in with the rest of the sky.

Feeling thirsty, she reached out for the jug to wet her dry throat, only to find it empty. Sighing, she got down from the window and walked out of the room in hopes of going to the kitchen to get some water.

As she walked down the cold empty halls to the kitchen, She began to feel apprehensive like someone was following her.

She tried to shrug it off, but steps persisted.

Then, pressing herself against the nearest wall she tried to conceal herself from whoever it was following her.

After a few minutes everywhere felt quiet again, and she spurred to the halls again, this time more cautious with her steps.

She made her way into the kitchen and turning the lights on; she looked around for some water, until she found it.

Once satisfied, she turned to walk down the halls back to her chamber, when she heard the footsteps again,

"Who's there-"

A hand suddenly grabbed her and pulled her into the nearest closet, closing the door behind them.

"Ah!" Aurora tried to scream, but a hand went over her mouth stopping her.

"Shh It's me Aurora."

She stopped struggling and stared shocked for a moment,

"Jack?" She gasped.

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