Chapter 15

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Aurora woke up sometime later on a strange bed, She tried to sit up but soon realized she was stuck to the bed,


She muttered to herself and tried to wiggle free, but she couldn't, it was as if her limbs had lost its blood flow.

She struggled to feel something, but nothing, "Don't bother." A voice chimed in and Aurora quickly looked over to see Jonathan entering the room.

"You." She growled, "You did this."

"I apologize, but I couldn't have you running."

She gave him a glare and kept struggling, "Let me out of here."

"Of course." He moved next to her, then muttering some strange Greek words, Aurora was free. As soon as she could feel her limbs, she jerked to her feet,

"You fucking bastard." She snapped, "how dare you hurtle me against my will?"

"I lost good men because of you, loyal men. You should be grateful I don't have you locked in a dungeon." He growled and pausing, he took another step, "And as for Jack, I have my men looking out for him."

Her limbs went weak again,

"You're going to hurt him?"

He shook his head in response,

"I have no desire to hurt Jack, unfortunately he's still my half brother, but killing is still forbidden in Lockwood, which punishment is death." He said and Aurora's breath hitched,

"No!" She pleaded, "It's all my fault, he was trying to protect me.-" She begged.

"I'm afraid there's a bounty on Jack's head already, He's to be executed before the people." he said and Aurora's heart stopped, "Unless...." He muttered and she shot her eyes to him,

She looked up at him and his lips curved into an evil sneer, them plopping himself on a chair, he gazed at her desirable for a moment.

"Unless, You and I come to an agreement."

"What sort of agreement?" She trembled.

"As you know, I'm to be crowned king in a few days, but what you don't know is the coronation mandates I pick a bride, a fair maiden from Lockwood, one who would rule by my side as queen and of course bare me an heir."

"I-I don't know anyone." She muttered under her breath.

He chuckled once at her oblivious reaction, "Marry me, Lady Sarah."

"What?! No!!." She gasped in disgust, but he continues.

"Be my queen and I would give you my word as your king, that Jack Hyde would be a free man on this land." He sounded desperate.

"And, if I don't honor your request you would have Jack killed, your own brother." She spat.

"Half brother." He emphasized on the word half, "So, do we have an agreement?" he asked, waiting for a response and when she doesn't he dusts himself up to his feet,

"Well, then....I would ensure to give Jack your condolences-"

"Why me?" She cut in, stopping him, "Of all the maidens in Lockwood, why me?" her words came out pained.

"You strike me." He answered, "From the first day I set my eyes on you, I knew I had to have you as my queen."

Aurora looked at him? searching for any sign of deceit or mischief, she didn't trust Jonathan, and she also knew saying yes to him would be like signing way her own freedom, but this was about Jack, she couldn't live with her conscience if anything happens to him, not when it's her fault he's in this mess.

"Fine, I'll marry you." she gasped, and he smirked proudly, "but you have to promise to lift the bounty off Jack's head and make him a free man."

He placed his hand across his chest, "I give you my word as your King, no harm would come to Jack if you become my queen." He promised and she took a deep breath, before nodding.

"Very well then...I would make preparations for the engagement to let the people know I have found my queen.." he said and Aurora's heart constricted inside. She only had to keep reminding herself that she was doing it for Jack's freedom, that was the only way to stop herself from breaking or crumbling any further.

"Get some rest, we would be married at Meadow tomorrow." Jonathan left and Aurora fell to the floor in tears.

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