Chapter 12

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"That's Jonathan?" Aurora spurted suddenly and Jack nodded.

"And you don't have to come if you don't want to."

"No, I want to." She uttered, "God knows how long I would be stuck here, I might as well get accustomed to a few things."

"Are you sure?" He asked, and she nodded slightly.

"But there's a problem.." Aurora said, looking down at her outfit.

He chuckled, "We can fix that."

she smiles at him in appreciation and they soon heard loud footsteps approaching the room.

They both turned to see the heavily pregnant Amy walking in with a food basket.

"You two are back early." She said, placing the basket away and plopping herself tiredly on a chair with a huff.

Aurora quickly poured a glass of water and handed it to her.

"Thank you." She muttered and drank it all in one sip and then bringing down the brim of the cup from her lips, she stared quaintly at Aurora and then at Jack, "What happened to you two?"

Jack sighed lightly, "Jonathan and his men were here."

Amy's eyes widened,

"Oh, dear lord." She exclaimed dropping the wooden cup, "What did he want?"

"To invite us to the feast tonight.."

Amy sighed in relief,

"That's good, You must go..." She muttered and Jack nodded slightly before taking his eyes to Aurora.

Amy immediately understood and nodded at him,

"I think it's time we went to the market to get some food for the house and some new clothes. Would you like to come dear?" She asked and Aurora nodded.
Amy and Aurora arrived at the market after noon, "Let's find you a dress." Amy uttered and dragged her towards the clothing store.

They entered and Amy picked out a few dresses for Aurora to try on, but none could fit perfectly.

The shopkeeper ransacked through the store to find a befitting one and after countless trials,

At last they found the one.

It was a long silver dress with an off shoulder.

Aurora wore it on and came out to present herself.

"Gorgeous." The shopkeeper was the first to gasp, Amy walked over to her and loosened her pins, allowing her chestnut hair to spread on her shoulder, before turning her to the mirror.

"Perfect." She uttered and Aurora grinned, belwered by her reflection. Even if it was Sarah's.

Amy paid for the cost and they carried on with the rest of the shopping, before finally heading back home to get ready for the feast.
Jack was wearing a black leather doublet, waiting anxiously for Aurora at the end of the stairs and when he heard light footsteps, he lifted his eyes swiftly up the stairs and his heart stopped,

Aurora kept her face down as she gradually made it down the stairs to him and once she did she lifted her eyes to his,

"You look beautiful." he whispered, gazing at her.

She smiled.

"Thank you. And you look handsome." She muttered.

They stood in silence for a moment, until Jack regained his senses and took out his hand for her,

"Shall we?"

Aurora nodded and slid her arm into his and with that they made it into the carriage and rode to the feast.

They arrived at the castle and Jack was the first to get down,

"My lady." He extended his hand.

Aurora smiled and took it and with they walked into the castle and was lead into a room, where Jonathan was sitting at the dim table, alone.

Aurora immediately found it creepy,

"I was starting to believe you wouldn't make it.."

Jack walked further, with Aurora walking quietly beside him.

"I gave you my word." he answered and Jonathan smiled at him before taking his eyes to Aurora,

"Lady Sarah.." He got up from his chair and walked up to her, "You look very lovely.." he takes her hand and presses his lips against it.

Aurora remained still, and a little terrified but managed a smile.

He let's go of her and pulls out a chair for her,

"Please, join me.."

He watches her settle down comfortably beside him, before returning to his chair.

"Where's everyone?" Jack asked, as they settled.

"It's just us.." Jonathan answered and tapped his hands and a group of maids walked in with varieties of foods and unveiled them on the table.

As the maids served each plates, Jonathan leaned back against his chair, watching Jack intently,

"Tell me brother, how were your travels, did you find what you were seeking for?"

"No.." Jack answered

Jonathan sighed, and reaching he poured himself a glass of wine, "I'm sorry to say brother, but some things are better left unfound and irrelevant.."

At his words, Jack clenched his jaw tightly, holding himself back from retaliating, but as the bastard son of the throne that's all he could do. He couldn't retaliate or act against the king.

Aurora sat quietly listening to the two men talk, but also noticed that one of the maids couldn't take her eyes of Jack, looking bedazzled by his presence and so did Jack.

"You remember little Quora, She's a woman now..."

Jonathan chirped and Jack nodded slightly, "You've grown well?" Jack smiles at her politely.

"Thank you." She uttered shyly, before running off with the other maids.

Jonathan chuckled, "Come on, let's eat.."

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