Chapter 26

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Aurora and Jack traveled sunset 'till sunrise until they arrived at the port of Venice and as they stepped down from the ship, they were immediately met with a familiar face,


Jack exclaimed with a grin,

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Jack exclaimed with a grin,

"Jack Hyde!" Andrew Jack's cousin exclaimed, pulling him into a brotherly hug, "It's been so long cousin Jack."

"Three years." Jack pulled away to look at him, cupping his face. "You're a man now, the last time I saw you could barely hold a real sword." He said and Andrew laughed shortly,

"I'm planned man now, with two daughters and a lovely wife."

"That's very good." Jack said.

Aurora cleared her throat, causing them to stop in between and turn to her,

"Aurora this is Andrew my cousin." Jack said and Aurora extended her hand to him, he took with a smile, "Andrew this is betrothed." Jack added and Aurora whipped her head to him in surprise.

"Pleased to meet you, Lady Aurora." Andrew smiled holding her hand to his lips, "I always prayed to the lords I witnessed the day cousin Jack picks a beautiful bride for himself and that day has finally come."

Jack laughed, holding Aurora's hand.

"Come on, you must meet the family."

Andrew gestured them and they followed him into the carriage and rode through the busy village, and as the men got aquatinted Aurora took her eyes out the window and admired, she loved how everything reminded her of England.

They soon arrived in front of a white estate. Jack was the first the get down before extending his hand to Aurora to help her done.

Aurora got down to her feet and roamed her eyes around her surroundings, gawping in awe, she thought it to be a beautiful house.

Jack held Aurora's hand and they made it inside with Andrew and as they all mashed in, she continued eyeing the place, there were very well-tended gardens and flowers whose sweetened fragrance permeated the air.

They made their way into the foyer and a lady dressed in black appeared with a smile, "Jack and Aurora this Puna, my wife."

Aurora and Jack smiled at her and her smile grew wider, "Puna, this is the famous Jack Hyde and his betrothed Aurora."

"I have heard good things about you Jack Hyde." She says extending her hand to Jack, he took it and held her hand to his lips.

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